leukemic infiltration - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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leukemic infiltration (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun Phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/luˈkiː.mɪk ˌɪn.fɪˈtreɪ.ʃən/

Meaning and Usage

Leukemic infiltration refers to the process by which leukemic cells invade and proliferate in tissues or organs in the body. This condition is primarily associated with various forms of leukemia, a type of cancer that affects blood cells and the bone marrow. The term is used in medical contexts, particularly in oncology and hematology.

Frequency of Use

The term is relatively specialized and is primarily used in written medical literature, research articles, and clinical documentation rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. The patient's leukemic infiltration was evident in the bone marrow biopsy.
    Пациенту была очевидна лейкемическая инфильтрация в биопсии костного мозга.

  2. Doctors monitor leukemic infiltration to determine the progression of the disease.
    Врачи следят за лейкемической инфильтрацией, чтобы определить прогрессирование заболевания.

  3. Effective treatment options can reduce leukemic infiltration in affected organs.
    Эффективные варианты лечения могут снизить лейкемическую инфильтрацию в поражённых органах.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term leukemic infiltration is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions. However, there are medical terminologies and expressions related to leukemia and its treatment that can enhance understanding:

  1. A leap of faith in treating leukemic infiltration can lead to better patient outcomes.
    Шаг веры в лечении лейкемической инфильтрации может привести к лучшим результатам для пациентов.

  2. Being on the front line means dealing with cases of leukemic infiltration on a daily basis.
    На передовой означает сталкиваться с случаями лейкемической инфильтрации ежедневно.

  3. If you're in over your head with leukemic infiltration, seek guidance from specialists.
    Если вы оказались в сложной ситуации с лейкемической инфильтрацией, обратитесь за помощью к специалистам.


The term leukemic comes from "leukemia," which is derived from the Greek roots "leukos," meaning "white," and "haima," meaning "blood." This reflects the condition's characteristics of an overproduction of white blood cells. The word "infiltration" originates from the Latin "infiltrare," meaning "to filter in."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Malignant infiltration - Leucocyte infiltration

Antonyms: - Healthy tissue invasion - Normal hematopoiesis
