Noun Phrase
/ˈlaɪsənst ˈprɛmɪsɪz/
"Licensed premises" refers to establishments that have obtained a license to sell alcoholic beverages. This term is commonly used in legal and regulatory contexts, especially when discussing the hospitality industry, law enforcement, and public health regulations. The frequency of use is quite specialized, making it more common in written contexts, such as legal documents and reports, rather than in casual oral speech.
Новые правила требуют, чтобы все лицензированные заведения прошли инспекцию перед праздничным сезоном.
The municipality has decided to limit the number of licensed premises in the area to reduce noise complaints.
Муниципалитет решил ограничить количество лицензированных заведений в районе, чтобы уменьшить количество жалоб на шум.
Licensed premises are responsible for ensuring that alcohol is served only to patrons of legal drinking age.
"Licensed premises" is generally a straightforward term and does not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions. However, it relates closely to several legal phrases and terms in the context of alcohol sales and regulation. Here are a few relevant idiomatic expressions that involve the theme of licensing and establishments:
Все лицензированные заведения в этом городке зарегистрированы и соответствуют местным законам.
"Under the influence" - Often discussed in relation to licensed premises and their responsibility for patrons.
Бары должны следить за тем, чтобы клиенты не покидали их лицензированные заведения в нетрезвом состоянии.
"Serving it up" - Used when discussing the operation of licensed premises.
Местный паб работает с 1950 года как лицензированное заведение.
"License to thrill" - While not directly related, it can humorously denote establishments that create exciting environments under their license.
The term "licensed" comes from the Latin word licentia, meaning "freedom" or "permission." It transitioned through Middle English as "licence." The word "premises" traces back to the Latin praemissa meaning "something put before" which evolved in English to describe a location or establishment.