lift-drag ratio - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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lift-drag ratio (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/lɪft-dræɡ ˈreɪʃioʊ/

Meaning and Usage

The lift-drag ratio is a performance metric in aerodynamics and flight mechanics, representing the amount of lift generated by an aircraft or airfoil relative to the drag it experiences. A high lift-drag ratio indicates that an aircraft is efficiently generating lift with minimal drag, which is desirable for flight performance, fuel efficiency, and overall aerodynamic efficiency.

The term is frequently used in technical and scientific contexts related to aviation and aerospace engineering. It is more common in written contexts, such as research papers, technical manuals, and reports, but it may also appear in oral discussions among professionals in these fields.

Example Sentences

  1. The engineers calculated the lift-drag ratio to optimize the aircraft's design for better fuel efficiency.
    Ingeniørerne beregnede lift-drag forholdet for at optimere flyets design for bedre brændstofeffektivitet.

  2. A higher lift-drag ratio allows gliders to soar for longer distances without needing engine power.
    Et højere lift-drag forhold gør det muligt for svævefly at svæve længere afstande uden motorkraft.

  3. Pilots must understand the lift-drag ratio to make informed decisions during flight maneuvers.
    Piloter skal forstå lift-drag forholdet for at træffe informerede beslutninger under flyvemanøvrer.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "lift-drag ratio" is not widely recognized in common idiomatic expressions. However, there's an understanding that it emphasizes efficiency and performance, which can be nominal in relatable phrases about competition or optimization.

Example Sentences with Related Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Striving for a high lift-drag ratio in our project parallels seeking the "best bang for your buck" in resource management.
    At stræbe efter et højt lift-drag forhold i vores projekt svarer til at søge det "bedste bang for your buck" i ressourceforvaltning.

  2. Achieving a favorable lift-drag ratio is akin to "finding the sweet spot" in aerodynamic design.
    At opnå et gunstigt lift-drag forhold svarer til at "finde den søde plet" i aerodynamisk design.

  3. In competitive flying, every pilot aims to enhance their lift-drag ratio, similar to wanting to "stay a step ahead" of the competition.
    I konkurrenceflyvning stræber hver pilot efter at forbedre deres lift-drag forhold, ligesom man ønsker at "være et skridt foran" konkurrenterne.


The term "lift" derives from the Old Norse word "lyft," meaning 'to raise or elevate,' while "drag" comes from the Middle English word "dragen," which means 'to pull or to draw.' The word "ratio" comes from the Latin "ratio," meaning 'reckoning, understanding, proportion.' Combining these elements underlines the concept of comparing forces acting on an object in flight.

Synonyms and Antonyms

The lift-drag ratio is a crucial concept in the fields of aerodynamics and mechanical engineering, impacting design processes and efficiency considerations in aviation.
