light-faced type - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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light-faced type (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/lʌɪt feɪst taɪp/

Meaning and Usage

"Light-faced type" refers to a typeface or font that has a lighter weight compared to standard or bold fonts. This can apply to printed media and digital content, often used to create a more airy design or to emphasize certain text. It is frequently used in both written texts, such as books and articles, as well as in graphic designs.

In terms of frequency of use, "light-faced type" is more commonly encountered in written contexts, particularly in design and typography discussions, academic texts about communication, and marketing materials.

Example Sentences

  1. The designer opted for a light-faced type to give the brochure a modern feel.
  2. Дизайнер выбрал легкий шрифт, чтобы придать брошюре современный вид.

  3. Many magazines use light-faced type for their headlines to attract readers.

  4. Многие журналы используют легкий шрифт для заголовков, чтобы привлечь читателей.

  5. In her presentation, she emphasized key points using light-faced type for clarity.

  6. В своей презентации она подчеркнула ключевые моменты, используя легкий шрифт для ясности.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "light-faced type" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the concept of "light" and "type" can appear in informal language usage. Here are some related expressions:

  1. Light as a feather - Refers to something very light.
  2. The new font style is light as a feather, making it perfect for elegant invitations.
  3. Новый стиль шрифта так легок, как перышко, что делает его идеальным для элегантных приглашений.

  4. Light the way - To guide or show the way forward.

  5. Using light-faced type in her project will light the way for her audience to understand the content better.
  6. Использование легкого шрифта в ее проекте поможет осветить путь для понимания содержания с аудиторией.

  7. Type of person - Describes a general quality or category.

  8. She is the type of person who always chooses light-faced type for her designs.
  9. Она тот тип человека, который всегда выбирает легкий шрифт для своих дизайнов.


The term "light-faced type" combines the word "light," which originates from the Old English leoht, meaning "not heavy," with the word "type," derived from the Latin typus, meaning "a model" or "a kind." Over time, "type" has come to refer more specifically to the arrangement of printed characters, particularly in the context of typography.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Thin type - Light font - Delicate typeface

Antonyms: - Bold type - Heavy type - Thick font
