liquefied natural gas - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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liquefied natural gas (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled down to a liquid state, at about -162 °C (-260 °F), for ease of storage or transport. It is primarily composed of methane, with small amounts of other hydrocarbons, and it is often used as a source of energy.

Usage in English Language:
The term is commonly used in the energy sector, environmental discussions, and discussions surrounding fuel technologies. Its frequency of use has increased with growing interest in alternative energy sources and the global energy market. LNG is more often encountered in written contexts, such as reports, articles, and studies.

Frequency of Use:
LNG is moderately to highly frequent in professional and technical contexts, especially within the energy and environmental fields.

Example Sentences

  1. Countries are investing in liquefied natural gas infrastructure to reduce their carbon footprints.
    Країни інвестують в інфраструктуру зрідженого природного газу, щоб зменшити свої вуглецеві сліди.

  2. The demand for liquefied natural gas has surged due to its feasibility as a cleaner energy source.
    Попит на зріджений природний газ зріс через його доцільність як більш чистого джерела енергії.

  3. The new liquefied natural gas terminal is expected to increase exports significantly.
    Новий термінал зрідженого природного газу, ймовірно, значно збільшить експорт.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "liquefied natural gas" itself is not typically used in idiomatic expressions, it can relate to various expressions within the energy sector. Here are some examples:

  1. Look for greener pastures: The country aims to look for greener pastures by investing in liquefied natural gas instead of coal.
    Країна прагне знайти більш екологічні варіанти, інвестуючи в зріджений природний газ замість вугілля.

  2. Burn the midnight oil: Companies often burn the midnight oil to analyze the potential markets for liquefied natural gas.
    Компанії часто працюють до пізньої ночі, щоб проаналізувати потенційні ринки для зрідженого природного газу.

  3. In the driver's seat: With its new policy, the government is in the driver's seat in the liquefied natural gas market.
    З новою політикою уряд має контроль у ринку зрідженого природного газу.

  4. Get your ducks in a row: Before launching the new liquefied natural gas project, the team needed to get their ducks in a row on funding.
    Перед запуском нового проекту зрідженого природного газу команді потрібно було все організувати з фінансуванням.

  5. Caught between a rock and a hard place: The executives found themselves caught between a rock and a hard place when deciding whether to invest in liquefied natural gas or renewable energy.
    Керівники опинилися між молотом і накладкою, вирішуючи, чи інвестувати в зріджений природний газ або відновлювальні джерела енергії.


The term "liquefied natural gas" combines "liquefy," which comes from the Latin "liquefacere" (to make liquid), "natural," from the Latin "naturalis" (pertaining to nature), and "gas," from the Greek "khaos" (for the state of matter). The phrase refers specifically to the process and state of natural gas under the conditions of temperature and pressure.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - LNG - Natural gas (in gaseous form) - Liquid natural gas

Antonyms: - Gaseous natural gas - Crude oil (in a context of hydrocarbons)

This structured overview covers the term "liquefied natural gas" in-depth, providing its definition, usage, example sentences, idiomatic expressions, etymology, and related terms.
