Noun Phrase
/lɪvərd ɔɪl/
"Livered oil" refers specifically to oil extracted from the liver of certain fish, notably cod liver oil. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D. In the English language, it is primarily used in discussions related to health, nutrition, and dietary supplements.
Frequency of use is moderate, as it is commonly mentioned in health-related contexts, particularly when discussing supplements. It is more frequently used in written contexts, such as articles, health blogs, and scientific papers, compared to oral speech.
Врач рекомендовал ежедневно принимать рыбьий жир для его полезных свойств.
Many people prefer livered oil supplements over regular fish oil due to their higher vitamin content.
Многие люди предпочитают добавки из рыбьего жира выше обычного рыбьего жира из-за их более высокого содержания витаминов.
After reading about the advantages of livered oil, she decided to add it to her diet.
While "livered oil" itself may not be prevalent in idiomatic expressions, the phrase "fish oil" or broader discussions related to oil and health often appear in idioms and clichés. Here are some examples:
"Не сделаешь омлет, не разбив пару яиц, а иногда это означает принимать рыбий жир."
"It’s better to have some livered oil than none at all when it comes to boosting your health."
"Лучше принимать немного рыбьего жира, чем совсем не принимать, когда дело касается укрепления здоровья."
"Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater; remember the benefits of livered oil despite its taste."
"Не выбрасывайте ребенка с водой; помните о преимуществах рыбьего жира, несмотря на его вкус."
"Just like you need fish oil for good health, you also need patience when waiting for results."
The term "livered oil" is derived from two elements: "livered," indicating something that comes from the liver, and "oil," a viscous liquid derived from plants, animals, or synthetic sources. The use of liver extraction for oils dates back centuries.