/ləʊkəl ˈsɜːrkɪt kɔːl/
A "local-circuit call" refers to a telephone call made within a local area, typically not incurring long-distance charges. It is primarily used in telecommunications contexts. The term generally signifies calls that occur between two points within the same area code or geographical area specified by a telecommunications provider.
The term "local-circuit call" is more prevalent in technical or business contexts related to telecommunications or telephone service discussions. It is less common in everyday oral speech among the general public.
She made a local-circuit call to her friend to discuss their weekend plans.
Она сделала местный телефонный звонок своему другу, чтобы обсудить планы на выходные.
The company encourages employees to use local-circuit calls to save on communication costs.
Компания поощряет сотрудников использовать местные телефонные звонки, чтобы сэкономить на расходах на связь.
During the meeting, it became clear that many participants were unfamiliar with local-circuit call rates.
Во время встречи стало ясно, что многие участники не знакомы с тарифами на местные телефонные звонки.
"Local-circuit call" is not specifically featured in popular idiomatic expressions. However, the concept of "local" and "call" can be found in phrases that emphasize proximity or immediate action.
"You can call me anytime if you need local assistance."
Ты можешь звонить мне в любое время, если тебе нужна местная помощь.
"Let's keep this discussion local; we don't need to go over the long-distance issues."
Давайте сохраним это обсуждение локальным; нам не нужно углубляться в проблемы междугородних звонков.
"In this business, it's all about making local connections."
В этом бизнесе все сводится к установлению местных связей.
"She hit the local scene to promote her new album."
Она стала продвигать свой новый альбом на местной сцене.
The term "local-circuit call" combines: - Local (from Latin "localis," meaning "pertaining to a place") indicates something that is confined to a particular area. - Circuit (from Latin "circuitus," meaning "a going around") refers to the path taken by electric signals in telecommunication. - Call (from Latin "callare," meaning "to call out") pertains to the action of communicating via a phone.