/ˈloʊ.kəˌmoʊ.tər ˈpæt.ərn/
The term locomotor pattern refers to a specific way in which movement is executed in relation to locomotion, typically involving the rhythm, timing, and sequence of movements that contribute to bodily motion. This concept is frequently used in fields such as biomechanics, sports science, physiotherapy, and robotics.
Frequency of Use: Locomotor pattern is more commonly used in written context, particularly in academic, medical, and technical literature.
Перевод: Локомоторный паттерн ребенка значительно развился после его сеансов физиотерапии.
Researchers analyzed the locomotor pattern of various animal species to understand their evolutionary adaptations.
Перевод: Исследователи проанализировали локомоторные паттерны различных видов животных, чтобы понять их эволюционные адаптации.
A consistent locomotor pattern is crucial for athletes to achieve optimal performance.
While locomotor pattern does not typically feature in idiomatic expressions, the concept of "pattern" does lend itself to various sayings. Here are a few relevant idiomatic expressions that incorporate "pattern":
Нам нужно разорвать паттерн того, как мы подходим к тренировкам, чтобы улучшить наши результаты.
Set a pattern: To establish a precedent or model that others might follow.
Атлет установил паттерн, который многие начинающие спортсмены стремятся воспроизвести.
Follow a pattern: To do something in a consistent or repeated manner.
Она склонна следовать определенному паттерну в своей технике бега, который максимизирует ее скорость.
Catch the pattern: To understand the regularity or sequence in something.
The term locomotor derives from the Latin roots locomotio, meaning "movement" (from loci - to place, and movere - to move) and the suffix -or, indicating a performer or agent, while pattern comes from Old French patron meaning "a model or design". The combination suggests a method or style of movement.
Synonyms: - Movement style - Mobility pattern
Antonyms: - Stationary state - Immobility