maladapted - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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maladapted (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

"Maladapted" refers to being poorly adjusted or inadequate to a particular environment or situation. This term is often used in biological and psychological contexts to describe organisms or behaviors that are not suited to their surroundings or circumstances. The frequency of use is moderate, found more often in academic texts or discussions, particularly in psychology, sociology, and environmental studies, rather than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Many species become maladapted when faced with rapid environmental changes.
    Многие виды становятся плохо адаптированными, когда сталкиваются с быстрыми изменениями среды.

  2. His maladapted behavior in social situations often alienated him from his peers.
    Его плохо адаптированное поведение в социальных ситуациях часто изолировало его от сверстников.

  3. The once-thriving community became maladapted to the economic shifts that occurred over the decade.
    Когда-то процветающее сообщество стало плохо адаптированным к экономическим изменениям, произошедшим за десятилетие.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "maladapted" is not particularly common in idiomatic expressions, it is relevant in contexts discussing adaptation and environment. Here are some idiomatic phrases related to adaptation and adjustment.

  1. Like a fish out of water - Referring to someone who feels uncomfortable or maladapted in a specific situation.
    He felt like a fish out of water at the formal dinner.
    Он чувствовал себя как рыба на суше на официальном ужине.

  2. Square peg in a round hole - This implies someone or something is maladapted to a role or environment.
    Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole never works well in a traditional office setting.
    Попытка вставить квадратный колышек в круглое отверстие никогда не работает хорошо в традиционной офисной обстановке.

  3. Out of one's element - Feeling uncomfortable or maladapted to a situation.
    At the art gallery, I felt completely out of my element.
    На художественной выставке я чувствовал себя совершенно не в своей тарелке.


The term "maladapted" is derived from the prefix "mal-" meaning "bad" or "poorly," combined with "adapted," which comes from the Latin "adaptare," meaning "to adjust." The word has evolved to describe situations where adjustment has not been successful or effective.


