march-man - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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march-man (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/mɑːrtʃ mæn/

Meaning and Usage

The term "march-man" refers to a man born in the month of March. It is a relatively informal term and is not commonly used in everyday conversation, though it can appear in certain contexts, such as astrological discussions or birthday celebrations. Its frequency of use is low, and it is more likely to be encountered in written contexts, for example, in articles or social media posts related to astrology or zodiac signs.

Example Sentences

  1. "My friend is a march-man, and he always brags about how great his astrological sign is."
    Translation: "Mi amigo es un hombre de marzo, y siempre presume de lo genial que es su signo astrológico."

  2. "March-men are known for their ambition and energy according to horoscope enthusiasts."
    Translation: "Los hombres de marzo son conocidos por su ambición y energía según los entusiastas del horóscopo."

  3. "Every year, we celebrate the march-men in our family with a special dinner."
    Translation: "Cada año, celebramos a los hombres de marzo en nuestra familia con una cena especial."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "march-man" itself does not have widely recognized idiomatic expressions, it can be found in phrases that refer to general traits associated with individuals born in March, often in astrological contexts. Here are some related phrases and examples:

  1. "March man’s potential is often highlighted during birthday parties."
    Translation: "El potencial del hombre de marzo a menudo se destaca durante las fiestas de cumpleaños."

  2. "A march man's charm is said to be unbeatable."
    Translation: "Se dice que el encanto de un hombre de marzo es incomparable."

  3. "Being a march man, he often feels the winds of change."
    Translation: "Siendo un hombre de marzo, a menudo siente los vientos del cambio."

  4. "March men have the rare ability to adapt quickly."
    Translation: "Los hombres de marzo tienen la rara habilidad de adaptarse rápidamente."


The term combines "march," which references the month of March, and "man," which denotes an adult male. March derives from the Latin "Martius," named after Mars, the Roman god of war, emphasizing the month’s association with spring and renewal.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - March-born (less common) - Spring man (context-dependent)

Antonyms: - January-born - December-born

In summary, "march-man" is a niche term focusing on individuals born in the month of March, primarily used in informal settings and linked to astrology.
