multiple robot collaboration - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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multiple robot collaboration (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The phrase "multiple robot collaboration" functions as a noun phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/mʌltəpəl ˈroʊbɒt kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃən/

Meaning and Usage

"Multiple robot collaboration" refers to the coordination and cooperative interaction between multiple robots to achieve a common goal. This term is often used in fields like robotics, artificial intelligence, and automation, particularly in settings where robots work together to accomplish tasks that would be inefficient or impossible for a single robot to perform.

Example Sentences

  1. Multiple robot collaboration enhances the efficiency of production lines in manufacturing plants.
    La colaboración entre múltiples robots mejora la eficiencia de las líneas de producción en las fábricas.

  2. Researchers are exploring various strategies for effective multiple robot collaboration in disaster recovery scenarios.
    Los investigadores están explorando diversas estrategias para una colaboración efectiva entre múltiples robots en escenarios de recuperación de desastres.

  3. In smart warehouses, multiple robot collaboration allows for faster inventory management and order fulfillment.
    En los almacenes inteligentes, la colaboración entre múltiples robots permite una gestión de inventario y cumplimiento de pedidos más rápidos.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "multiple robot collaboration" does not have idiomatic expressions directly tied to it due to its technical nature. However, we can explore idioms related to teamwork and collaboration, which may encompass similar themes.

  1. "Many hands make light work."
    Muchos manos hacen el trabajo ligero.
    This idiom emphasizes that tasks can be completed more easily when multiple people (or robots) collaborate.

  2. "Two heads are better than one."
    Dos cabezas son mejores que una.
    Highlights that collaboration leads to better solutions and outcomes than working alone.

  3. "Teamwork makes the dream work."
    El trabajo en equipo hace que el sueño funcione.
    Suggests that achieving goals requires cooperative efforts.

  4. "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
    Solos podemos hacer tan poco; juntos podemos hacer tanto.
    Indicates that collaborative efforts multiply capabilities.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. Many hands make light work, especially when discussing multiple robot collaboration in logistics.
    Muchos manos hacen el trabajo ligero, especialmente al hablar sobre la colaboración entre múltiples robots en logística.

  2. Two heads are better than one when it comes to devising strategies for multiple robot collaboration.
    Dos cabezas son mejores que una cuando se trata de idear estrategias para la colaboración entre múltiples robots.

  3. In the realm of robotics, teamwork makes the dream work for multiple robot collaboration projects.
    En el ámbito de la robótica, el trabajo en equipo hace que el sueño funcione para proyectos de colaboración entre múltiples robots.


The term "multiple" originates from the Latin "multiplex," meaning "manyfold" or "varied." "Robot" comes from the Czech word "robota," which means "forced labor," famously introduced by Karel Čapek in his play "R.U.R." (Rossum's Universal Robots). "Collaboration" derives from the Latin "collaborare," meaning "to work together."

Synonyms and Antonyms
