The phrase "once (and) for all" functions primarily as an adverbial phrase.
/ˈwʌns (ænd) fɔːr ɔːl/
The phrase "once (and) for all" means to do something decisively or conclusively, typically in a way that will settle an issue or problem permanently. It's used to emphasize that something is being done decisively so that it won't need to be repeated. This phrase is moderately frequent in both oral and written contexts, often appearing in discussions where finality or resolution is desired.
Example Sentences:
1. She decided to resolve the argument once and for all.
Она решила разрешить ссору раз и навсегда.
The team needs to finish this project once and for all to meet the deadline.
Команде нужно завершить этот проект раз и навсегда, чтобы уложиться в срок.
They agreed to clean the house once and for all to avoid future messes.
Они согласились убрать дом раз и навсегда, чтобы избежать будущих беспорядков.
The phrase "once (and) for all" is often used in various idiomatic expressions emphasizing resolution or finality.
Example Idiomatic Expressions:
1. Let's get this straightened out once and for all.
Давайте раз и навсегда проясним всё это.
I want to understand your position once and for all.
Я хочу понять твою позицию раз и навсегда.
We need to settle this matter once and for all before it escalates.
Нам нужно разрешить этот вопрос раз и навсегда, прежде чем он станет серьёзнее.
Can you tell me once and for all what your decision is?
Можешь сказать мне раз и навсегда, какое твоё решение?
It's time to put this issue to bed once and for all.
Время закрыть этот вопрос раз и навсегда.
The phrase derives from the combination of the word "once," indicating a single occurrence, and "for all," which emphasizes extensiveness and permanence. It suggests a single decisive action intended to conclude the matter at hand definitively.
Synonyms: - Decisively - Conclusively - Permanently
Antonyms: - Temporarily - Indefinitely - Ephemerally
This comprehensive look at "once (and) for all" provides insight into its usage, meaning, idiomatic expressions, and linguistic context.