open parapet - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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open parapet (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription

Meaning and Usage

The term "open parapet" refers to a type of low protective wall or barrier that is typically found at the edge of a roof, balcony, or bridge. Unlike solid parapets that do not allow visibility over them, open parapets often have openings or are designed to allow sight lines and airflow, providing less obstruction.

In English, "open parapet" is primarily used in architectural contexts. Its frequency of use is relatively low, as it is a specialized term often used in discussions about building design, safety measures, or historical architecture. It is more commonly found in written contexts, such as architectural documentation, design specifications, and textbooks, rather than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences: 1. The old castle featured an open parapet that allowed visitors to enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
Старый замок имел открытую парапету, которая позволяла посетителям наслаждаться панорамными видами окружающего ландшафта.

  1. Architects often choose an open parapet design to create a sense of openness on rooftops.
    Архитекторы часто выбирают дизайн открытого парапета, чтобы создать ощущение простора на крышах.

  2. While the safety code required a parapet, the builder opted for an open parapet to enhance aesthetic appeal.
    Хотя строительный кодекс требовал наличия парапета, строитель выбрал открытую парапету для улучшения эстетического вида.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "open parapet" is not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it might be relevant in certain metaphorical contexts related to openness or exposure. However, it can be challenging to find idioms that directly incorporate the concept of a parapet. Instead, here are some idiomatic expressions related to openness:

  1. Over the parapet
    She wanted to see what was happening over the parapet, hoping for some unexpected news.
    Она хотела увидеть, что происходит за парапетом, надеясь на неожиданные новости.

  2. Raise the parapet
    In our discussions, it’s important to raise the parapet about our plans for community engagement.
    В наших обсуждениях важно поднять парапет по поводу наших планов по взаимодействию с сообществом.

  3. Leap over the parapet
    Sometimes, you have to leap over the parapet of your fears to achieve your goals.
    Иногда, чтобы достичь своих целей, нужно перепрыгнуть через парапет своих страхов.


The term “parapet” derives from the Italian word parapetto, which is a compound of para (to protect) and petto (chest). The prefix indicates a protective feature, while the latter part relates to the height of the wall. The word entered English in the late 16th century and has retained its architectural meaning over the centuries.

Synonyms and Antonyms

In summary, while "open parapet" has a specialized and relatively low frequency of use in English, it pertains significantly to architectural language and can metaphorically represent themes of openness and safety.
