/pæŋ.kriˈæt.ɪk ˈæs.ɪ.nəs/
The term "pancreatic acinus" refers to the functional unit of the pancreas that secretes digestive enzymes. Each acinus produces a mixture of digestive enzymes, which are necessary for the digestion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in the small intestine. This term is primarily used in medical and biological contexts, especially in discussions related to physiology and anatomy.
The term "pancreatic acinus" is not commonly used in everyday conversation but is prevalent in scientific texts, research articles, and medical literature. Its usage is more common in written contexts compared to oral speech.
The pancreatic acinus is essential for the production of enzymes required for digestion.
Служењето на панкреатичниот акцину е од суштинско значење за производството на ензими потребни за варење.
Each pancreatic acinus contains specialized cells that secrete different types of digestive enzymes.
Секој панкреатичен акцинус содржи специјализирани клетки кои излачуваат различни типови на варечи ензими.
In the study of pancreatic diseases, the dysfunction of pancreatic acinus can lead to severe digestive problems.
Во проучувањето на заболувањата на панкреасот, дисфункцијата на панкреатичниот акцинус може да доведе до сериозни проблеми со варењето.
While "pancreatic acinus" is a specific anatomical term, it is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions due to its technical nature. Nonetheless, in medical and biological contexts, discussing the function and implications of pancreatic acini might evolve into broader anatomical discussions or phrases related to digestion.
The health of the pancreas is crucial, as the pancreatic acinus must function properly to aid in digestion.
Здравјето на панкреасот е клучно, бидејќи панкреатичниот акцинус мора правилно да функционира за да помогне при варењето.
Understanding diseases that affect the pancreatic acinus can help in developing targeted treatments for digestive disorders.
Разбирањето на болестите кои влијаат на панкреатичниот акцинус може да помогне во развојот на насочени третмани за варечките нарушувања.
The term "pancreatic" is derived from the Greek word "pankreas," which means "all flesh." The word "acinus" comes from the Latin word "acinus," meaning "a grape," which reflects its grape-like structure in the gland. Together, they describe the component of the pancreas involved primarily in digestive enzyme production.
There are no direct antonyms for "pancreatic acinus" as it is a specific anatomical term. However, related terms could include parts of the pancreas that are not involved in enzyme secretion, such as pancreatic duct.
By studying the pancreatic acinus, one can gain insights into the complexities of digestive health and disease, emphasizing the significance of this anatomical unit in the overall functioning of the digestive system.