/pæˈtɛnt roʊl/
The term "patent-roll" refers to a historical record or document that contains the details of patents granted by a government, particularly in relation to land ownership and rights. While it is not a common term in contemporary usage, it may be encountered in legal or historical discussions regarding property rights.
The frequency of use is relatively low, as it is more prevalent in written contexts, particularly in legal documentation or historical texts, rather than in oral speech.
Клерки тщательно обновляли реестр патентов, чтобы гарантировать точную запись всех земельных грантов.
He found his ancestor's name in the patent-roll from the 18th century, which detailed the family estate.
Он нашел имя своего предка в реестре патентов XVIII века, который описывал семейное имение.
The historian used the patent-roll as a primary source for her research on land ownership patterns in the region.
Although "patent-roll" itself is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, it relates closely to legal and property contexts. Below are some idiomatic expressions that include words or phrases relevant to land grants, property rights, or legal ownership.
Иногда вы должны научиться приспосабливаться к трудностям, когда имеете дело с запутанными спорами по патентным реестрам.
"In the long run" - Over a long period.
В долгосрочной перспективе патенты, зафиксированные в реестре патентов, могут повлиять на поколения семей.
"A matter of record" - Something that is officially documented.
The term "patent" originates from the Latin word "patens," meaning "open" or "visible," which signifies an open grant of authority. The word "roll" comes from the Middle English word "rolle," which referred to a document or a scroll. Together, "patent-roll" implies a scroll or record that openly lists patents or rights granted.
Synonyms: - Patent record - Patent ledger
Antonyms: - Secret agreement - Non-disclosure document