peripheric pulse - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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peripheric pulse (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/pəˈrɪf.ər.ɪk pʌls/

Meaning and Usage

The term "peripheric pulse" refers to the pulse that can be felt in the peripheral parts of the body, such as the wrists or ankles. It is an important indicator of blood circulation and cardiovascular health. This term is often used in medical contexts, particularly in nursing and emergency medical services.

Frequency of use is more prevalent in written medical and health-related literature, although it may also appear in oral explanations by healthcare professionals.

Example Sentences

  1. The nurse checked the peripheric pulse of the patient to evaluate blood circulation.
    Translation: Медсестра проверила переферический пульс пациента, чтобы оценить кровообращение.

  2. A weak peripheric pulse can be a sign of shock or circulatory issues.
    Translation: Слабый переферический пульс может быть признаком шока или проблем с кровообращением.

  3. It is important to assess the peripheric pulse during a physical examination.
    Translation: Важно оценить переферический пульс во время физикального обследования.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the term "peripheric pulse" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, it can be used in phrases that refer to circulation or health. Here are a few relevant expressions:

  1. "Feeling the pulse" - to gauge the situation or understand the mood.
    Translation: "Чувствовать пульс" - оценить ситуацию или понять настроение.
    Example: The manager is good at feeling the pulse of the team during meetings.
    Translation: Менеджер хорошо чувствует пульс команды во время собраний.

  2. "Pulse of the city" - a phrase used to describe the liveliness or vibrant activity of a city.
    Translation: "Пульс города" - фраза, используемая для описания живой активности города.
    Example: The festival showcased the pulse of the city, attracting visitors from around the globe.
    Translation: Фестиваль продемонстрировал пульс города, привлекая посетителей со всего мира.

  3. "Keep your finger on the pulse" - to remain informed about the latest trends or developments.
    Translation: "Держать палец на пульсе" - оставаться в курсе последних тенденций или событий.
    Example: As a journalist, it's crucial to keep your finger on the pulse of current events.
    Translation: Как журналисту, крайне важно держать палец на пульсе текущих событий.


The term "peripheric" derives from the Greek word "periphery," which means "outer circle" or "outer boundary." The word "pulse" comes from the Latin "pulsus," meaning "a beating or throbbing." Together, they describe the heartbeat as it can be detected in the outer areas of the body.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: Peripheral pulse, distal pulse

Antonyms: Central pulse

In summary, "peripheric pulse" is mainly a medical term used to describe pulse points indicating blood flow in the extremities. Understanding this term is vital for healthcare professionals monitoring cardiovascular health.
