Peritonitis refers to the inflammation of the peritoneum, the tissue lining the inner wall of the abdomen and covering the abdominal organs. It typically results from infection, often due to bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract or other sources. It can occur as a complication of processes such as appendicitis, perforation of abdominal organs, or advanced liver disease.
The term "peritonitis" is a technical medical term commonly used in healthcare contexts. It appears more frequently in written medical literature, textbooks, and surgeries than in oral everyday speech.
The doctor diagnosed the patient with peritonitis after reviewing his symptoms and medical history.
El médico diagnosticó al paciente con peritonitis tras revisar sus síntomas e historial médico.
Immediate treatment is critical for peritonitis to prevent serious complications.
El tratamiento inmediato es fundamental para la peritonitis y evitar complicaciones graves.
Peritonitis can result from a ruptured appendix, leading to severe abdominal pain.
La peritonitis puede resultar de un apéndice roto, causando un dolor abdominal severo.
While "peritonitis" itself does not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions, it can be discussed in medical contexts where terms can convey urgency or seriousness. Here are a few idiomatic expressions related to serious health conditions:
"In the thick of it"
Meaning: Being in a situation that is complicated or urgent, often used in medical emergencies.
The surgeon was in the thick of it during the operation for peritonitis.
El cirujano estaba en medio de la operación por peritonitis.
"Not out of the woods yet"
Meaning: Not yet free from a difficult or dangerous situation, especially in recovery from illness.
After treatment for peritonitis, the patient was told he was not out of the woods yet.
Después del tratamiento por peritonitis, se le dijo al paciente que aún no estaba fuera de peligro.
"On the critical list"
Meaning: A term used in a medical context to indicate that a patient is in a life-threatening condition.
The patient's peritonitis left him on the critical list after surgery.
La peritonitis del paciente lo dejó en estado crítico después de la cirugía.
The term "peritonitis" is derived from the combination of the Greek words "peritonaion," meaning "to stretch around" (referring to the peritoneum itself), and "itis," a suffix that denotes inflammation. This combination highlights the condition of inflammation affecting the abdominal lining.
This information provides a comprehensive overview of the term "peritonitis," its usage, meanings, and relevance in both medical and everyday language contexts.