persist - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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persist (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The verb persist means to continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. It describes a determination to carry on despite obstacles, refusal to give up, or a prolonged existence of something.

Frequency of Use: The word persist is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though it may appear more frequently in formal writing, discussions of philosophy, psychology, and in legal or academic texts.

Example Sentences

  1. "She decided to persist with her studies despite the challenges."
    "Ela decidiu persistir em seus estudos apesar dos desafios."

  2. "If you persist in asking questions, you will eventually find the answer."
    "Se você persistir em fazer perguntas, eventualmente encontrará a resposta."

  3. "Many species of animals can persist in harsh environments."
    "Muitas espécies de animais podem persistir em ambientes hostis."

Idiomatic Expressions

The word persist is often used in various idiomatic expressions that convey the idea of determination or continuity. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Persist with the plan until it succeeds."
    "Persistir com o plano até que tenha sucesso."

  2. "You need to persist beyond the initial setbacks."
    "Você precisa persistir além dos contratempos iniciais."

  3. "He always persists in his beliefs, no matter the criticism."
    "Ele sempre persiste em suas crenças, não importa a crítica."

  4. "To persist in the face of adversity is to show strength."
    "Persistir diante da adversidade é mostrar força."

  5. "Many inventors persist until they achieve their vision."
    "Muitos inventores persistem até alcançar sua visão."


The word persist originates from the Latin word persistere, which means "to stand firm" or "to remain steadfast." The prefix "per-" means “through” or “thoroughly,” and "sistere" means "to stand." It entered the English language in the late Middle Ages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Continue - Persevere - Persist - Endure - Hang on

Antonyms: - Give up - Cease - Stop - Relent - Surrender
