photoflash - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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photoflash (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The term "photoflash" typically refers to a device that produces a sudden burst of light to illuminate a scene when taking a photograph. It can also refer to the actual flash of light produced by such a device. The word is generally used in the context of photography and can be frequently encountered in both oral and written communication, especially in discussions related to photography, lighting techniques, and videography.

Frequency of Use

"Photoflash" is moderately used, particularly within photography circles. Its use may be more prevalent in written contexts, such as articles, manuals, and textbooks focused on photography, though it is still commonly used in conversation around this subject.

Example Sentences

  1. The photographer used a photoflash to capture the perfect shot at the wedding.
    Fotografoqn, koi sdelaizza snafu kadr na svadbe, ispolzoval fotoflash bo doktivnog svjetla.

  2. To avoid shadows in the portrait, she adjusted the photoflash settings on her camera.
    Da bi izbegla senke na portretu, ona je podešavala namestanje fotoflash na svojoj kameri.

  3. The sudden photoflash startled everyone at the party.
    Iznenada fotoflash je zaprepastio sve na žurci.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "photoflash" isn't commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the concept of flashes or sudden bursts of light can appear in idioms related to inspiration or sudden realization:

  1. Flash in the pan
    His success was just a flash in the pan.
    (Njegov uspeh je bio samo kratkotrajni hit.)

  2. Flash of genius
    The inventor had a flash of genius that led to his breakthrough.
    (Izumitelj je imao iznenadan trenutak genija koji je doveo do njegovog proboja.)

  3. In a flash
    She completed the project in a flash, impressing her boss.
    (Brzo je završila projekat, impresioniravši svog šefa.)

  4. Flashback
    During the meeting, I had a flashback to my first day at work.
    (Tokom sastanka, imao sam povratak u prošlost na svoj prvi dan na poslu.)


The word "photoflash" is a compound word derived from "photo," which comes from the Greek word "phōs," meaning light, and "flash," which originates from the Old English word "flaescian," meaning to emit light suddenly. The combination reflects its function as a device that produces a sudden burst of light for photographic purposes.

Synonyms and Antonyms



This comprehensive overview of "photoflash" includes its meanings, usage, examples, idioms, etymology, and related terms, providing a well-rounded understanding of the word in the English language.
