pick blow - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pick blow (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Pick blow" functions as a verb phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/pɪk bloʊ/

Meaning and Usage

"Pick blow" typically means to select or choose a specific blow or strike, often in a physical context such as sports or combat. It is relatively uncommon and mostly used in niche contexts related to martial arts or sports strategy. Its frequency of use is low in both written and spoken English, often appearing in specialized discussions rather than everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. They had to pick blow for their final match to ensure victory.
    (Eles tiveram que escolher o golpe para a final para garantir a vitória.)

  2. When boxing, it's crucial to pick blow wisely to avoid exhausting yourself.
    (Quando se boxeia, é crucial escolher o golpe sabiamente para evitar se exaurir.)

  3. In martial arts, a practitioner must learn when to pick blow and when to wait.
    (Na arte marcial, um praticante deve aprender quando escolher um golpe e quando esperar.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "pick blow" is not a commonly found phrase in idiomatic expressions, similar terms relating to "pick" and "blow" can be used in various idiomatic contexts. Here are a few examples:

  1. "Pick your battles" – Choose which conflicts are worth engaging in.
    Translation: Escolha suas batalhas.

  2. "Blow off steam" – To release pent-up energy or emotion.
    Translation: Liberar energia ou emoção acumulada.

  3. "Pick a side" – To choose a position in a conflict or argument.
    Translation: Escolha um lado.

  4. "Hit a wall" (similar to "blow") – To reach a point where progress stops.
    Translation: Chegar a um ponto onde o progresso para.

  5. "Pick up the pieces" – To begin again after a setback.
    Translation: Começar de novo após um revés.

Example Sentences with Idiomatic Expressions

  1. You need to pick your battles if you want to maintain peace with your friends.
    (Você precisa escolher suas batalhas se quiser manter a paz com seus amigos.)

  2. After working all day, I need to blow off steam at the gym.
    (Depois de trabalhar o dia todo, eu preciso liberar energia acumulada na academia.)

  3. In a discussion, you should always pick a side that you believe in.
    (Em uma discussão, você sempre deve escolher um lado em que acredita.)

  4. When you feel like you hit a wall, it’s time to rethink your strategy.
    (Quando você sente que chegou a um impasse, é hora de repensar sua estratégia.)

  5. After the team lost the game, it took some time to pick up the pieces.
    (Depois que a equipe perdeu o jogo, demorou um pouco para se reerguer.)


Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, while "pick blow" is a specific and uncommon term, its components are widely used in various expressions and now have diverse meanings in different contexts. The phrase may serve well in niche discussions surrounding sports or combat but is relatively rare in everyday English conversation.
