pine nut - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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pine nut (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/pʌɪn nʌt/

Meaning and Usage

Meaning: A pine nut is a seed obtained from certain species of pine trees, characterized by its edible, small, oval shape and rich nutty flavor. They are commonly used in cooking, particularly in Mediterranean dishes, pestos, and desserts.

Frequency of Use: The term "pine nut" is moderately commonly used, frequently appearing in culinary contexts, particularly in recipes and discussions about nutrition and diet. It tends to be more prevalent in written contexts, such as cookbooks, food blogs, and articles.

Example Sentences

  1. Pine nut is a key ingredient in traditional pesto sauce.
    Пиневая семечка является важным ингредиентом в традиционном соусе песто.

  2. I sprinkled some pine nut onto my salad for added flavor and crunch.
    Я посыпал немного кедровых орехов на свой салат для добавления вкуса и хруста.

  3. They often use pine nut in their desserts to enhance the taste.
    Они часто используют кедровые орехи в своих десертах для улучшения вкуса.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "pine nut" is not commonly featured in many idiomatic expressions, it can still be connected to various culinary and health-related phrases. Here are some food-related idiomatic expressions involving nuts or food items:

  1. In the nut shell - Meaning to summarize something succinctly.
    In the nut shell, the recipe calls for simple, fresh ingredients.
    В двух словах, рецепт требует простых, свежих ингредиентов.

  2. Nutty as a fruitcake - Meaning someone is eccentric or crazy.
    He is nutty as a fruitcake, always talking about making dishes with pine nut.
    Он ненормальный, всегда говорит о приготовлении блюд с кедровыми орехами.

  3. Go nuts - Meaning to become very excited or angry.
    When she finds out I used pine nut in the dish, she might go nuts!
    Когда она узнает, что я использовал кедровый орех в блюде, она может разозлиться!


The term "pine nut" combines the word "pine," which has Old English origins (from "pin" meaning the tree), and "nut," derived from the Old English "nūte," meaning edible seed. The use of pine nuts has historical significance, dating back to ancient civilizations, who harvested them for both nourishment and trade.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Pignoli (particularly in Italian cuisine)
- Pine seed

There are no direct antonyms, but one could consider other kinds of nuts (like almonds or walnuts) as contrasting alternatives in specific contexts.
