Plausible assumption is a noun phrase.
/pˈlɔːzəbl əˈsʌmpʃən/
The term plausible assumption refers to a belief or statement that seems reasonable or probable in a given context. It suggests that the assumption is credible, though it may not necessarily be true. This phrase is often used in analytical writing, academic discourse, discussions involving hypotheses, or evaluating theories. It is more prevalent in written contexts, although it can also appear in formal spoken language.
Frequency of Use: Moderately frequent, particularly in academic, scientific, or professional content.
La investigadora basó sus conclusiones en una suposición plausible de que el algoritmo funcionaría mejor con más datos.
Without a plausible assumption, the argument falls apart under scrutiny.
Sin una suposición plausible, el argumento se desmorona bajo examen.
It is a plausible assumption that climate change is influenced by human activities.
The phrase plausible assumption may not frequently appear in idiomatic expressions; however, it can be associated with other phrases that reflect reasoning, beliefs, or conjectures. Here are some idiomatic expressions incorporated with similar context or synonymous meanings:
Es una suposición razonable que ella llegará tarde debido al tráfico.
To take something at face value
If we take his explanation at face value, it seems like a plausible assumption.
Si tomamos su explicación al pie de la letra, parece una suposición plausible.
Jump to conclusions
We shouldn’t jump to conclusions without a plausible assumption backing our claims.
No deberíamos sacar conclusiones apresuradas sin una suposición plausible que respalde nuestras afirmaciones.
The benefit of the doubt
We should give him the benefit of the doubt and accept his plausible assumption for now.
Synonyms: - Reasonable hypothesis - Credible supposition - Rational belief
Antonyms: - Implausible assumption - Unfounded belief - Absurd conjecture