playing time - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
ChatGPT AI Dictionary

playing time (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ˈpleɪ.ɪŋ taɪm/

Meaning and Usage

"Playing time" refers to the amount of time allotted for a game, performance, or activity where participants are engaged in playing, typically used in context with sports or games. It can also refer to the duration during which a recorded performance is played, such as music or film.

It is a term frequently used in both oral and written contexts, particularly in sports commentary, reports, and discussions about games or other performances.

Example Sentences

  1. "The coach announced that every player would get at least 20 minutes of playing time in the next game."
  2. "El entrenador anunció que cada jugador tendría al menos 20 minutos de tiempo de juego en el próximo partido."

  3. "We need to manage our playing time better if we want to win this tournament."

  4. "Necesitamos gestionar mejor nuestro tiempo de juego si queremos ganar este torneo."

  5. "The total playing time of the album is over an hour."

  6. "El tiempo total de reproducción del álbum es de más de una hora."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "playing time" is not typically found in idiomatic expressions in English, it can relate to expressions used in sports or performance contexts. Here are related idiomatic phrases involving the word "play":

  1. "Play ball"
  2. Meaning: To cooperate or to support a plan.
  3. Sentence: "If everyone is ready to start, let’s play ball!"
  4. Translation: "Si todos están listos para comenzar, ¡vamos a jugar!"

  5. "Call the shots"

  6. Meaning: To be in charge or to make decisions.
  7. Sentence: "In this game, he is the one who calls the shots."
  8. Translation: "En este juego, él es quien toma las decisiones."

  9. "The ball is in your court"

  10. Meaning: It’s your decision or responsibility now.
  11. Sentence: "I’ve made my offer; now the ball is in your court."
  12. Translation: "He hecho mi oferta; ahora la bola está en tu cancha."

  13. "Play it by ear"

  14. Meaning: To improvise or act as the situation demands.
  15. Sentence: "We don’t have a plan for the weekend, so let’s just play it by ear."
  16. Translation: "No tenemos un plan para el fin de semana, así que simplemente improvisemos."


The phrase "playing time" is derived from the combination of "playing," the present participle of "play," which comes from Old English "plegian," meaning "to engage in activity for enjoyment" and "time," from Old English "tīma," which means "period" or "duration." The phrase refers to the specific period one is engaged in such enjoyable activities, particularly in competitive or performance situations.


