/ˌplʊə.rɪˈpoʊ.tənt ˈproʊ.ɡɛn.ɪ.tər/
"Pluripotent progenitor" refers to a type of stem cell that has the ability to differentiate into nearly any cell type in the body (pluripotent), along with having the capability to produce more stem cells (progenitor). This term is primarily used in the fields of molecular biology and regenerative medicine.
Example Sentences: 1. The pluripotent progenitor can develop into various types of tissues during embryonic development. - Протеин, выделяемый из плюрипотентного предшественника, важен для дифференциации клеток. 2. Researchers are investigating how pluripotent progenitors can be utilized in regenerative therapies for degenerative diseases. - Исследователи изучают, как плюрипотентные предшественники могут быть использованы в регенеративной терапии для дегенеративных заболеваний. 3. The ability of pluripotent progenitors to replicate themselves while also generating differentiated cells makes them valuable in research. - Способность плюрипотентных предшественников к самовоспроизведению, а также к образованию дифференцированных клеток делает их ценными в исследованиях.
The phrase "pluripotent progenitor" is highly technical and does not form part of common idiomatic expressions in English. However, "pluripotent" and "progenitor" can occur in various contexts related to biology and development.
Example Sentences with Related Expressions: 1. Scientists often refer to stem cells as the "master cells" because pluripotent progenitors can generate different types of tissues. - Ученые часто называют стволовые клетки "материнскими клетками", потому что плюрипотентные предшественники могут генерировать различные типы тканей. 2. The research provided insights into pluripotent progenitors, helping to unlock the potential of stem cell therapy. - Исследование дало представление о плюрипотентных предшественниках, помогая раскрыть потенциал терапии стволовыми клетками. 3. Understanding how pluripotent progenitors function is crucial for advancements in tissue engineering. - Понимание того, как функционируют плюрипотентные предшественники, имеет решающее значение для прогресса в тканевой инженерии.
The term "pluripotent" comes from the Latin roots "pluri" meaning "many" and "potent" meaning "able" or "powerful". "Progenitor" derives from the Latin "progenitor", which combines "pro" (forth) and "genitor" (creator or father), indicating something that generates or produces offspring.
Synonyms: - Stem cell - Undifferentiated cell - Multipotent stem cell (for cells that can differentiate into a limited range of cell types)
Antonyms: - Differentiated cell - Mature cell - Somatic cell
In conclusion, the term "pluripotent progenitor" carries significant importance in biological sciences, specifically in understanding cellular differentiation and regenerative medicine.