A pneumothorax refers to the presence of air in the pleural space, which can lead to lung collapse. This condition can occur as a result of chest injury, a rupture of lung tissue, or can be spontaneous. Pneumothorax is more commonly used in medical contexts, particularly in written medical literature, but it can also appear in oral discussions among healthcare professionals.
It is not a term used frequently in casual conversation. It is primarily utilized in healthcare settings, medical history, or discussions about respiratory issues.
Доктор диагностировал у пациента пневмоторакс после просмотра рентгенограмм грудной клетки.
Treatment for pneumothorax can vary depending on its size and the severity of the symptoms.
Лечение пневмоторакса может варьироваться в зависимости от его размера и тяжести симптомов.
Patients with a history of lung disease may be at higher risk for pneumothorax.
The term "pneumothorax" does not feature prominently in idiomatic expressions, largely because it is a specialized medical term. However, doctors and healthcare professionals might use “pneumothorax” in metaphorical contexts to describe situations where there is a significant rupture or breakdown.
Компания столкнулась с ситуацией пневмоторакса, когда ведущий дизайнер неожиданно уволился, что привело к провалу многих проектов.
The team hit a pneumothorax when their funding fell through, leaving them scrambling for solutions.
The term "pneumothorax" is derived from the Greek words: - "pneumo-" meaning air or breath - "thorax" meaning chest
The term entered medical terminology in the late 19th century, following advancements in the understanding of respiratory conditions.
Synonyms: - Air in the pleural cavity - Lung collapse
Antonyms: - Pneumonitis (inflammation of lung tissue) - Healthy lung (in a broader medical context)
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