podograph - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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podograph (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

A podograph is a medical device used for recording the motion or alignment of the foot, often utilized in podiatry to assess gait or foot function. It is less common in everyday language and is primarily used in specific contexts related to medicine or foot health. Its frequency of use is quite low, mostly appearing in written medical literature rather than in oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. The podiatrist used a podograph to analyze the patient's walking pattern for any irregularities.
  2. Педиатр использовал подограф для анализа ходьбы пациента на наличие irregularities.

  3. In this clinical study, a podograph was employed to gather data on foot pressure distribution.

  4. В этом клиническом исследовании был использован подограф для сбора данных о распределении давления на стопу.

  5. The results from the podograph indicated a need for orthotic intervention.

  6. Результаты из подографа показали необходимость ортопедического вмешательства.

Idiomatic Expressions

While the term podograph is not commonly associated with idiomatic expressions due to its specialized and technical nature, it relates to specific medical or podiatric contexts. However, here are some idiomatic expressions using the word foot which is closely linked to the concepts that podographs deal with:

  1. Put your best foot forward: To make the best effort in a situation.
  2. Поставьте свою лучшую ногу вперед. / Put your best foot forward and show them what you've got.

  3. Get cold feet: To become nervous or hesitant about proceeding with a decision.

  4. Он испугался и получил холодные ноги перед свадьбой. / He got cold feet before the wedding.

  5. Foot the bill: To pay for something.

  6. Он пришел и оплатил счет за всех. / He came in and footed the bill for everyone.

  7. Have one’s feet on the ground: To be realistic and practical.

  8. У него обе ноги на земле, и он не позволяет мечтам управлять собой. / He has his feet on the ground and doesn't let dreams control him.

  9. Step on someone’s toes: To offend someone or interfere in someone’s responsibilities.

  10. Я не хотел наступить на чьи-то пальцы, когда дал свои советы. / I didn't want to step on anyone's toes when I gave my recommendations.


The word podograph is derived from the Greek words: - "podo-" meaning "foot" - "graph" meaning "to write" or "to record"

Thus, it literally means "foot writing" or "recording of the foot."

Synonyms and Antonyms



While there are no direct antonyms for podograph due to its specific function, one might consider tools related to different body aspects, such as: - Handgraph (hypothetical for hand motion) - Eye-tracking device (for eye movements)

This response provides comprehensive information about the term "podograph," covering its definition, examples of usage, idiomatic expressions related to feet, etymology, synonyms, and antonyms. If you have further inquiries or related terms, feel free to ask!
