/ˈpɔɪ.zən.əs sneɪk/ ‹plænt›
The term poisonous snake refers to a snake species that is capable of producing venom that can incapacitate or kill its prey or threats. While all snakes can pose some danger, a "poisonous" snake specifically denotes those that possess toxic properties in their venom. The adjective "poisonous" can also be used to describe plants that produce toxic substances harmful to humans or animals.
Frequency of Use: The term "poisonous snake" is frequently used in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions related to wildlife, ecology, and safety.
The poisonous snake slithered silently through the tall grass.
Видели, как ядовитая змея бесшумно проскользнула через высокую траву.
If you encounter a poisonous snake, it’s best to keep your distance.
Если вы столкнетесь с ядовитой змеей, лучше держаться подальше.
Many people fear the poisonous snake found in their area.
Многие люди боятся ядовитой змеи, найденной в их районе.
The term poisonous can feature in various idiomatic expressions, although it does not commonly appear as part of many idiomatic phrases. However, here are some idiomatic expressions associated with "poison" or "snake":
A snake in the grass: An enemy or a deceitful person disguised as a friend.
Он всегда был змеей в траве, казалось, что он помогает, но в итоге подставил меня.
(He always was a snake in the grass, seeming to help but ultimately betraying me.)
Bite the hand that feeds you: To harm someone who has helped you.
Он действительно кусает руку, которая его кормит, предав своего босса.
(He truly bites the hand that feeds him, betraying his boss.)
To poison the well: To create distrust or hostility in a group, often by spreading false information.
Критика его соперника отравила колодец среди избирателей.
(Criticism of his opponent poisoned the well among voters.)
The word poisonous originates from the Latin word "potionem," meaning "a drink" or "a liquid," which later evolved in Old French as "poison." The English adaptation further cemented itself in the vocabulary during the Middle Ages. The term snake traces back to the Old English "snaca," related to other Germanic languages; referring to a serpent or a reptile.
Synonyms: venomous snake, toxic snake, lethal snake, dangerous snake
Antonyms: harmless snake, non-venomous snake