power of attraction - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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power of attraction (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun Phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/pˈaʊər ʌv əˈtrækʃən/

Meaning and Usage

The phrase "power of attraction" refers to the ability to draw something or someone towards oneself, often in a positive context. In various contexts, such as psychology, science, and everyday conversation, it may imply an inherent appeal or magnetism that influences others' sentiments or behaviors. It can also refer to a principle or concept in fields such as the law of attraction, which suggests that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person's life.

The phrase is used frequently in both oral and written contexts, especially in discussions surrounding relationships or theoretical concepts in metaphysics and self-help literature.

Example Sentences

  1. The power of attraction is essential for building lasting relationships.
    (La fuerza de atracción es esencial para construir relaciones duraderas.)

  2. Many believe in the power of attraction when it comes to manifesting their dreams.
    (Muchos creen en el poder de atracción cuando se trata de manifestar sus sueños.)

  3. She was amazed by the power of attraction that her smile had on people.
    (Ella se sorprendió por el poder de atracción que tenía su sonrisa sobre las personas.)

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "power of attraction" is not a central component of many idiomatic expressions, but there are a variety of expressions involving concepts of attraction or drawing interest. Here are some examples:

  1. Like attracts like.
    Similar people often draw each other together.
    (Las personas similares a menudo se atraen entre sí.)

  2. Birds of a feather flock together.
    People with similar interests are drawn to each other.
    (Las personas con intereses similares se agrupan.)

  3. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
    Being kind and pleasant is more effective in attracting others than being harsh.
    (Es más efectivo atraer a otros siendo amable y agradable que siendo áspero.)

  4. Allure of the unknown.
    The attraction people feel towards mysterious or undiscovered things.
    (La atracción que sienten las personas hacia cosas misteriosas o no descubiertas.)

  5. Magnetism of personalities.
    Refers to the natural charm or charisma that draws people toward someone.
    (Se refiere al encanto o carisma natural que atrae a las personas hacia alguien.)


The word "power" originates from the Old French poeir and Latin posse, meaning "to be able." The term "attraction" comes from Latin attractio, which means "a drawing towards," from attrahere (to draw to oneself). Together, "power of attraction" highlights the compelling force that draws entities together.


