Noun Phrase
/prɪˈlɪmɪnəri raʊndz/
"Preliminary rounds" refers to the initial stages of a competition or process, where participants compete to qualify for later, more advanced rounds. It is commonly used in contexts such as sports tournaments, academic contests, and various forms of competitive events. This phrase is often encountered more in written contexts, such as articles, tournament rules, and event descriptions, but it is also used in spoken language when discussing competitions.
The preliminary rounds of the tournament will take place next weekend.
Las rondas preliminares del torneo se llevarán a cabo el próximo fin de semana.
She performed exceptionally well in the preliminary rounds, securing her place in the finals.
Ella se desempeñó excepcionalmente bien en las rondas preliminares, asegurando su lugar en las finales.
Only the top three contestants will advance from the preliminary rounds.
Solo los tres mejores concursantes avanzarán desde las rondas preliminares.
The phrase "preliminary rounds" is typically not a component of widely recognized idiomatic expressions. However, competitions often come with phrases related to early stages or initial assessments.
"The early bird catches the worm." - This phrase implies that those who act quickly or participate early in events (including preliminary rounds) often have the advantage.
El que madruga atrapa al gusano.
"Get a foot in the door." - This suggests making a start or an initial effort in order to gain further opportunities (like entering preliminary rounds).
Meterse en la puerta.
"First things first." - This emphasizes the importance of addressing the preliminary aspects of any process before moving to advanced stages.
Primero lo primero.
The word "preliminary" comes from the Latin word "praeliminaris," which is derived from "prae-" meaning "before" and "limen" meaning "threshold." The word "round" comes from the Old French "ronde," meaning "circular," which signifies a stage or a complete cycle.