preovarian - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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preovarian (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The term "preovarian" is used in a biological or medical context to describe something that occurs or exists before the formation or release of an ovum (egg) from the ovary. It relates to physiological processes associated with the reproductive system, particularly in females.

The frequency of use is relatively low compared to more common medical terms, as it is mainly employed in specialized discussions, texts, or research regarding reproduction, gynecology, or related fields. It is used more often in written contexts, such as research papers and medical literature, than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. The preovarian phase is critical to the menstrual cycle.
    "Фаза преовариального цикла критична для менструального цикла."

  2. Researchers are studying preovarian hormone levels to understand fertility issues.
    "Исследователи изучают уровни преовариальных гормонов, чтобы понять проблемы с фертильностью."

  3. The development of preovarian follicles impacts reproductive health.
    "Развитие преовариальных фолликулов оказывает влияние на репродуктивное здоровье."

Idiomatic Expressions

While "preovarian" is not typically found in idiomatic expressions, related concepts in reproductive health can be explored. Here are a few sentences that contain related terms:

  1. "She is in her preovarian phase, which means her hormones are starting to fluctuate."
    "Она находится в своей преовариальной фазе, что означает, что ее гормоны начинают колебаться."

  2. "Understanding the preovarian processes can help identify potential fertility issues."
    "Понимание преовариальных процессов может помочь выявить потенциальные проблемы с фертильностью."

  3. "The preovarian time frame is essential for planning conception."
    "Преовариальный временной интервал важен для планирования зачатия."


The term "preovarian" is derived from the prefix "pre-" meaning "before" and "ovarian," which pertains to "ovary." The root "ovary" comes from the Latin word "ovarium," meaning "egg receptacle." This merging of terms indicates processes or conditions that occur prior to ovulation.

Synonyms and Antonyms




In conclusion, "preovarian" serves a specific role in medical vernacular, primarily related to the study of female reproductive health. Its applications are predominantly found in scholarly contexts, and it connects to broader discussions about fertility and menstruation.
