/ˌprɛtərˈmɪʃən əv ˈdjuːti/
"Pretermission of duty" refers to the act of neglecting or failing to perform a duty or obligation. It is a formal or legal term that can be applied in various contexts, including legal settings where a person may be held accountable for not fulfilling their responsibilities. The term is more commonly found in written texts, especially legal documents, rather than in everyday oral conversations.
The term "pretermission of duty" is not frequently used in everyday English, but it can appear in legal and formal writings.
Translation: Адвокат утверждал, что пренебрежение своими обязанностями со стороны работника основывает причины для его увольнения.
Pretermission of duty can lead to serious consequences in a professional setting.
Translation: Пренебрежение обязанностями может привести к серьезным последствиям в профессиональной обстановке.
The judge ruled that the defendant's pretermission of duty was a violation of the trust placed in them.
While "pretermission of duty" itself isn't commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the concepts of neglect and duty are often encapsulated in various phrases.
Translation: "Обязанность зовет" - Признание того, что необходимо действовать в соответствии со своими ответственностями, часто ценой личных жертв.
"Drop the ball" - To fail to fulfill a responsibility or duty.
Translation: "Уронить мяч" - Провалить выполнение ответственности или обязанности.
"Turn a blind eye" - To knowingly ignore a duty or responsibility.
Translation: "Закрыть глаза" - Сознательно игнорировать обязанность или ответственность.
"Pass the buck" - To shift responsibility to someone else.
Translation: "Свалить на других" - Передать ответственность кому-то другому.
"Hold the fort" - To maintain responsibility during someone else's absence.
The term "pretermission" comes from the Latin "praetermissio," which means "to overlook" or "to pass over." The word "duty" has its roots in the Old French "deu" and Latin "debere," meaning "to owe" or "obligation."