Prevalency is a noun.
Prevalency refers to the state of being prevalent or widespread. It describes the degree to which something is common or frequently encountered in a particular area or among a certain group. The term is often used in contexts regarding health, social phenomena, and trends.
The frequency of use for the word is moderate; it is more common in written contexts, especially in academic, medical, and social science literature. In oral speech, more common alternatives like "prevalence" are often used.
La prevalencia de la obesidad en los niños se ha convertido en una gran preocupación para la salud pública.
Researchers studied the prevalency of various diseases in urban areas.
Los investigadores estudiaron la prevalencia de diversas enfermedades en áreas urbanas.
The prevalency of smartphone usage has transformed how we communicate.
While "prevalency" itself is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, its related term "prevalence" does appear in certain contexts. Here are some idiomatic expressions incorporating the concept of prevalence:
El estigma contra los problemas de salud mental aún es prevalente en la sociedad.
"To prevail over"
La nueva política tiene como objetivo prevalecer sobre las prácticas obsoletas en la industria.
"Prevalent themes"
Los temas prevalentes en la literatura moderna a menudo giran en torno a la identidad y la pertenencia.
"Prevailing attitude"
The term prevalency is derived from the combination of "prevalent," which comes from the Latin root "praevalens," meaning "to be superior," from "prae-" (before) and "valere" (to be strong). The suffix "-cy" indicates a state or condition. The term "prevalence" is more commonly used in modern English.
Synonyms: commonness, widespreadness, frequency, occurrence, prevalence.
Antonyms: rarity, infrequency, uncommonly, scarcity.