/pˈrɪn.sə.pəl tʃɑːrdʒ/
Principal charge refers to the primary accusation or formal charge that is brought against an individual in a legal context, particularly in criminal law. It signifies the most important or serious allegation that forms the basis of the case against the accused. The frequency of use of the term tends to be more prevalent in written legal documents, academic discussions, and formal conversations related to law, rather than in casual oral speech.
The principal charge against the defendant was theft.
Главное обвинение против ответчика было кражей.
After reviewing the evidence, the jury understood the principal charge was based on circumstantial evidence.
После изучения улик, присяжные поняли, что основное обвинение основывается на косвенных доказательствах.
The lawyer presented his arguments refuting the principal charge in the final plea.
Адвокат представил свои аргументы, опровергая основное обвинение в финальной речи.
While "principal charge" itself is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, the concept of legal charges often appears in various idioms and phrases related to law. Here are some examples:
Face the music (to confront the consequences of one's actions, typically in a legal context)
He had to face the music after failing to report the principal charge against him.
Ему пришлось столкнуться с последствиями после того, как он не сообщил о главном обвинении против него.
Throw the book at someone (to punish someone as severely as possible, especially in legal terms)
The judge decided to throw the book at him because of the principal charge he was facing.
Судья решил максимально наказать его из-за главного обвинения, с которым он столкнулся.
Law and order (the maintenance of public order and the enforcement of the law)
The principal charge became a focus point in the greater discussion of law and order in the city.
Главное обвинение стало центральной темой в более широкой дискуссии о правопорядке в городе.
Caught red-handed (to be discovered in the act of committing a crime)
She was caught red-handed, and the principal charge was quickly determined.
Её поймали на месте преступления, и основное обвинение было быстро определено.
The term "principal" comes from the Latin word "principalis," meaning "chief" or "leading," while "charge" derives from the Latin "carricare," meaning "to load" or "to accuse."