principal identity - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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principal identity (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/prɪnˈsɪpəl aɪˈdɛntɪti/

Meaning and Usage

"Principal identity" typically refers to the primary or most important aspect of a person's or entity's identity. This concept can apply to various fields including psychology, sociology, and personal development. The phrase is less common in everyday conversation and can be more frequently found in academic or theoretical discussions. Usage might skew towards written contexts, especially in formal papers or essays.

Example Sentences

  1. The principal identity of a nation often hinges on its cultural heritage.
  2. La identidad principal de una nación a menudo depende de su herencia cultural.

  3. In psychology, understanding a client's principal identity is essential for effective therapy.

  4. En psicología, comprender la identidad principal de un cliente es esencial para una terapia efectiva.

  5. The study focused on how principal identity shapes individual behavior in social settings.

  6. El estudio se centró en cómo la identidad principal moldea el comportamiento individual en entornos sociales.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "principal identity" may not be directly used in many idiomatic expressions, the concepts of identity and principal characteristics do appear in various sayings and phrases. Below are some examples that relate to identity in a broader context:

  1. "Identity crisis" - Many young adults experience an identity crisis when they graduate from college and face the real world.
  2. Muchos jóvenes atraviesan una crisis de identidad cuando se gradúan de la universidad y enfrentan el mundo real.

  3. "To find oneself" - Traveling can often help a person to find themselves and understand their principal identity.

  4. Viajar puede ayudar a una persona a encontrarse a sí misma y entender su identidad principal.

  5. "True colors" - It’s often said that your true colors will show in challenging times, revealing your principal identity.

  6. Se dice a menudo que tus verdaderos colores se mostrarán en tiempos desafiantes, revelando tu identidad principal.

  7. "Face value" - People should not always take things at face value, as the principal identity of a person may be hidden beneath the surface.

  8. La gente no siempre debería tomar las cosas al pie de la letra, ya que la identidad principal de una persona puede estar oculta bajo la superficie.


The word "principal" comes from the Latin "principalis," meaning "chief" or "leader." "Identity" derives from the Latin "identitas," which relates to the state of being identically the same or the condition of being oneself. Merriam-Webster traces "identity" back to the Latin roots in the late Middle Ages.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Primary identity - Core identity - Main identity

- Secondary identity - Peripheral identity - Incidental identity

This comprehensive analysis provides insights into the phrase "principal identity," examining its usage, meaning, idiomatic expressions, and more.
