problem definition - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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problem definition (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The term "problem definition" functions as a noun phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/ˈprɒbləm dɪˈfɛnjən/

Meaning and Usage

"Problem definition" refers to the process of identifying and articulating a problem to be addressed or solved. This stage is critical in various fields, including research, project management, engineering, and marketing. It focuses on clearly outlining the issues and constraints before developing solutions.

Example Sentences

  1. The team spent a significant amount of time on the problem definition to ensure clarity before moving forward.
  2. Translation: La equipe pasó una cantidad significativa de tiempo en la definición del problema para garantizar claridad antes de avanzar.

  3. A proper problem definition can save time and resources in the long run.

  4. Translation: Una definición adecuada del problema puede ahorrar tiempo y recursos a largo plazo.

  5. Understanding the problem definition is crucial to developing effective solutions.

  6. Translation: Comprender la definición del problema es crucial para desarrollar soluciones efectivas.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "problem definition" does not have many idiomatic expressions associated with it, as it is a relatively specific term. However, it often appears in a variety of professional and academic phrases related to problem-solving.

Example Sentences with Related Idioms

  1. Nail down the problem definition before jumping into solutions.
  2. Translation: Definir claramente el problema antes de saltar a soluciones.

  3. Without a clear problem definition, we are likely to chase our tails.

  4. Translation: Sin una definición clara del problema, es probable que persigamos nuestras propias colas.

  5. The key to success lies in a thorough problem definition.

  6. Translation: La clave del éxito radica en una definición exhaustiva del problema.

  7. A vague problem definition can lead to expensive missteps.

  8. Translation: Una definición vaga del problema puede llevar a pasos en falso costosos.


The term "problem" originates from the Greek word "problema," meaning "that which is put forward" or "a task." The word "definition" comes from the Latin "definitio," meaning "a setting of limits" or "explaining what something is."

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: issue articulation, problem identification, problem statement
Antonyms: solution, answer, resolution

In summary, "problem definition" is a crucial phrase in many professional contexts, highlighting the importance of clarity and precision before embarking on solutions. It serves as a foundation for effective problem-solving strategies across various disciplines.
