/prəˈpəʊ.zɪʃ.ən.əl ˈlɛt.ər/
A propositional letter is a symbol used in propositional logic to represent a proposition, which is a statement that can either be true or false, but not both. Commonly, propositional letters are denoted by letters like ( P, Q, R, ) etc. They are used in logical expressions to form complex sentences through logical connectives (like AND, OR, NOT).
In English language usage, propositional letters are more frequent in written contexts, particularly in academic, philosophical, and mathematical texts. They are less commonly used in everyday oral speech.
The statement can be expressed using a propositional letter to simplify the argument.
Утверждение можно выразить с помощью пропозиционной буквы, чтобы упростить аргумент.
In our logic class, we learned how to manipulate propositional letters for better understanding of logical constructs.
На нашем курсе логики мы узнали, как манипулировать пропозиционными буквами для лучшего понимания логических конструкций.
The use of propositional letters is essential for formal proofs in mathematics.
Использование пропозиционных букв имеет решающее значение для формальных доказательств в математике.
Propositional letters are not commonly used in idiomatic expressions since they are more technical in nature, however, here are sentences that might indirectly relate to logic and reasoning using common phrases:
Jumping to conclusions without using logical reasoning is like writing an equation without propositional letters.
Скакать к выводам, не используя логическое рассуждение, все равно что писать уравнение без пропозиционных букв.
It’s important to clarify your premises before forming propositional letters in your argument.
Важно прояснить свои предпосылки, прежде чем формировать пропозиционные буквы в своём аргументе.
All roads lead to the conclusion; just like propositional letters lead to logical truths.
Все дороги ведут к заключению; так же, как пропозиционные буквы ведут к логическим истинам.
The term propositional originates from the Latin word propositio, meaning "a putting forth" or "a statement," combined with the word letter, which comes from the Latin littera, meaning "letter" or "character."