protrusive - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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protrusive (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The word "protrusive" describes something that is sticking out or extending beyond a surface. It often implies a physical aspect that is noticeable due to its extension from the surrounding area. It is a relatively specialized term and is most commonly used in written contexts, such as in technical or medical descriptions, though it can also be found in oral speech when discussing physical characteristics.

Frequency of Use

"Protrusive" is used less frequently in everyday conversation compared to more common adjectives. It is more prevalent in written forms such as academic texts or specialized literature.

Example Sentences

  1. The dentist noted the protrusive nature of the patient's jaw.
    Translation: El dentista notó la naturaleza protrusiva de la mandíbula del paciente.

  2. The design features a protrusive element that adds depth to the artwork.
    Translation: El diseño presenta un elemento protrusivo que añade profundidad a la obra de arte.

  3. The protrusive rocks along the shoreline can be a hazard for boats.
    Translation: Las rocas protrusivas a lo largo de la costa pueden ser un peligro para los barcos.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "protrusive" may not be directly featured in many common idiomatic expressions, together with other related terms, you can form phrases emphasizing something sticking out or standing out. Here are some examples:

  1. "Sticking out like a sore thumb"
    His bright orange shirt was sticking out like a sore thumb at the formal event.
    Translation: Su camiseta naranja brillante estaba sobresaliendo como un pulgar adolorido en el evento formal.

  2. "Stand out from the crowd"
    Her protrusive personality allows her to stand out from the crowd at school.
    Translation: Su personalidad protrusiva le permite destacarse entre la multitud en la escuela.

  3. "On the cutting edge"
    This new protrusive technology is on the cutting edge of innovation.
    Translation: Esta nueva tecnología protrusiva está a la vanguardia de la innovación.

  4. "Out of the ordinary"
    His protrusive way of speaking makes him out of the ordinary in formal settings.
    Translation: Su forma protrusiva de hablar lo hace inusual en entornos formales.

  5. "Stick your neck out"
    Sometimes you need to stick your neck out and be protrusive in your career aspirations.
    Translation: A veces necesitas arriesgarte y ser protrusivo en tus aspiraciones profesionales.


The word "protrusive" originates from the Latin root "protrudere," meaning "to thrust forward." It combines "pro-" (forward) and "trudere" (to push).


