prune-juice sputum - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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prune-juice sputum (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

"Prune-juice sputum" is a noun phrase.

Phonetic Transcription

/pruːn dʒuːs ˈspjuːtəm/

Meaning and Usage

"Prune-juice sputum" refers to mucus or phlegm that appears similar to prune juice, often indicative of certain medical conditions, particularly in a clinical or pathological context. This phrase is less commonly used compared to other medical terminologies and may have limited usage among the general public. Its frequency of use is more prevalent in written medical literature than in oral speech, primarily among healthcare professionals discussing respiratory or pulmonary issues.

Example Sentences

  1. The doctor mentioned that the patient was producing prune-juice sputum during the examination.
    Translation: Лекарь упомянул, что пациент выделяет слизь, похожую на сок чернослива, во время обследования.

  2. Prune-juice sputum can be a sign of serious underlying conditions that require immediate attention.
    Translation: Слизь, похожая на сок чернослива, может быть признаком серьезных основных заболеваний, требующих срочного внимания.

  3. The presence of prune-juice sputum raised concerns about possible lung infections.
    Translation: Наличие слизи, похожей на сок чернослива, вызвало беспокойство о возможных инфекциях легких.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "prune-juice sputum" is not commonly found within idiomatic expressions; however, terms related to medical conditions and descriptions of bodily fluids often appear in idioms regarding health and wellness. Here are a few relevant idiomatic expressions:

  1. "Spit it out" - to speak frankly or reveal a secret.
    Translation: "Вы искажаете это или не хотите говорить правду?"

  2. "Don't spit into the wind" - a warning against self-destructive actions.
    Translation: "Не действуй против себя, это приведет к плохим последствиям."

  3. "Clear the air" - to resolve a misunderstanding or to speak frankly about a sensitive subject.
    Translation: "Давайте проясним ситуацию и поговорим обо всем открыто."


Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Phlegm - Mucus - Sputum

Antonyms: - Clarity (in the context of describing something unclear) - Purity (as these words typically describe clear or clean states, unlike the thick and colored nature of sputum)
