psychologic stress - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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psychologic stress (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

The term "psychologic stress" functions as a noun.

Phonetic Transcription

/pˌsaɪ.kəˈlɒdʒ.ɪk strɛs/

Meaning and Usage

"Psychologic stress" refers to the mental and emotional strain that can arise from various factors, including life changes, demands, and adverse situations. It may manifest as anxiety, tension, and cognitive overload. This term is commonly used in psychological and medical contexts to discuss how stress impacts mental health. The frequency of use is moderate; it is often encountered in academic writing, therapy sessions, and health-related discussions. It tends to be more prevalent in written contexts, such as articles and research papers, than in everyday oral speech.

Example Sentences

  1. Psychologic stress can lead to various health issues if not managed properly.
    El estrés psicológico puede causar varios problemas de salud si no se maneja adecuadamente.

  2. Many people experience psychologic stress during significant life transitions, such as moving to a new city.
    Muchas personas experimentan estrés psicológico durante transiciones importantes de la vida, como mudarse a una nueva ciudad.

  3. Techniques such as mindfulness can help alleviate psychologic stress and promote overall well-being.
    Técnicas como la atención plena pueden ayudar a aliviar el estrés psicológico y promover el bienestar general.

Idiomatic Expressions

The term "psychologic stress" is not frequently used in idiomatic expressions on its own. However, stress, in general, is included in various idiomatic expressions, reflecting its impact on lives and emotions. Here are a few expressions featuring "stress":

  1. Under stress: Feeling pressure from circumstances.
  2. When you are under stress, it's essential to take breaks and relax.
    Cuando estás bajo estrés, es esencial tomar descansos y relajarte.

  3. Stress out: To become extremely anxious or worried.

  4. Many students stress out before exams, impacting their performance.
    Muchos estudiantes se estresan antes de los exámenes, lo que afecta su rendimiento.

  5. Stress relief: Techniques or activities that help alleviate stress.

  6. Regular exercise is a great form of stress relief.
    El ejercicio regular es una excelente forma de alivio del estrés.

  7. At breaking point: Reaching a level of stress that is difficult to bear.

  8. He was at a breaking point due to all the psychologic stress at work.
    Él estaba al borde del colapso debido a todo el estrés psicológico en el trabajo.

  9. Blow off steam: To relieve stress or get rid of pent-up energy.

  10. It's important to find ways to blow off steam after a stressful week.
    Es importante encontrar formas de liberar el estrés después de una semana estresante.


The word "psychologic" derives from the Greek words "psyche," meaning soul or mind, and "logia," meaning study or discourse. "Stress" comes from the Latin word "stringere," which means to draw tight, referring to pressure or tension. Together, "psychologic stress" fundamentally pertains to mental strain.

Synonyms and Antonyms


