puna - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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puna (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription


Meaning and Usage

The word "puna" refers to a high, flat area in the Andes, especially in Peru and Bolivia, characterized by a cold, often arid climate and grassland. It is commonly used in geographical and ecological contexts. The word may not be frequently encountered outside specialized discussions regarding South American geography and ecosystems. Its usage is more common in written contexts, such as academic articles.

Example Sentences

  1. The puna provides a unique habitat for many high-altitude species.
    Translation: Пуна предоставляет уникальную среду обитания для многих видов, обитающих на большой высоте.

  2. Many indigenous cultures have rich traditions tied to the puna landscape.
    Translation: Многие коренные культуры имеют глубокие традиции, связанные с ландшафтом пуны.

  3. The puna ecosystem faces threats from climate change and human activities.
    Translation: Экосистема пуны сталкивается с угрозами со стороны изменения климата и человеческой деятельности.

Idiomatic Expressions

The word "puna" is not typically part of common idiomatic expressions. However, it could feature in niche expressions among environmental scientists or Andean cultural discussions.

Here are a few example sentences that reference the word "puna" in a broader sense pertaining to the ecological context:

  1. The flora of the puna is as diverse as the cultures that inhabit the region.
    Translation: Флора пуны столь же разнообразна, как и культуры, которые обитают в этом регионе.

  2. Livestock grazing in the puna can lead to overgrazing if not properly managed.
    Translation: Выпас скота на пуне может привести к чрезмерному выпасу, если не управлять им должным образом.

  3. Conservation efforts are crucial to protect the puna from further degradation.
    Translation: Консервационные усилия имеют жизненно важное значение для защиты пуны от дальнейшей деградации.

  4. The puna's climate varies significantly from the temperate valleys below.
    Translation: Климат пуны значительно отличается от умеренных долин внизу.


The term "puna" derives from the Quechua word "puna," which refers to high-altitude grassland regions. It has been integrated into English as a geographical term, primarily used when discussing Andean regions.

Synonyms and Antonyms



In summary, "puna" is a specialized geographical term primarily used in contexts related to South American ecosystems and cultures. Its usage showcases the unique environments of high-altitude regions.
