The term push-pass refers to a specific technique used primarily in sports, particularly in soccer (football) or in training exercises. In a push-pass, the player uses the inside of their foot to push the ball along the ground in a controlled manner, allowing for accurate passing between teammates. This term is common in coaching, sports discussions, and training contexts.
Frequency of Use: The term is relatively common within specific sports communities, especially amongst coaches, players, and sports enthusiasts. It may not be frequently found in everyday conversation but is prevalent in sports-related contexts.
Context of Use: It is primarily used in written discussions about sports techniques and strategies as well as in oral coaching sessions.
Для улучшения нашей командной работы тренер подчеркнул важность пуш-паса на тренировке.
Mastering the push-pass can significantly enhance your passing accuracy in soccer.
Овладение пуш-пасом может значительно улучшить вашу точность передач в футболе.
During the game, I noticed several players effectively used the push-pass to move the ball quickly.
Although "push-pass" is not a common term in many idiomatic expressions, it can be related to sports jargon or metaphors that imply teamwork or collaboration. Here are a few idiomatic expressions using similar sports concepts:
"Нам нужно эффективно передать эстафету, чтобы проект проходил гладко."
"Sometimes you have to pass the ball to a teammate to make progress."
"Иногда нужно передать мяч товарищу по команде, чтобы добиться прогресса."
"In this project, let's kick off with an effective push-pass strategy."
"В этом проекте давайте начнем с эффективной стратегии пуш-паса."
"To succeed, we must learn to pass and move as a cohesive unit."
"Чтобы добиться успеха, мы должны научиться передавать и двигаться как единое целое."
"Don't just sit back; you need to go for the goal and make a decisive pass."
The term push-pass is derived from the combination of two verbs: "push" meaning to exert force against something to move it away and "pass," which in sports refers to the act of transferring the ball to another player. The term encapsulates the action of pushing the ball forward in a specific, controlled manner.
In summary, the push-pass is a specific type of pass used in various sports that promotes teamwork and effective ball movement, rooted in a simple yet impactful technique.