/tərˈmɪneɪt ˌflʌk.tʃuˈeɪ.ʃən/
"Terminate fluctuation" refers to the act of ending or stabilizing variations in a certain context, such as in finance, technology, or other fields. Fluctuation commonly implies changes or variations in quantity, level, or quality over time. This phrase is often used in contexts where stability or consistency is desired after a period of change.
In terms of its frequency of use, both "terminate" and "fluctuation" are more commonly found in written contexts, particularly in academic or professional literature, rather than in everyday spoken language.
The company decided to terminate fluctuation in its revenue by implementing fixed pricing strategies.
(La compañía decidió terminar la fluctuación en sus ingresos implementando estrategias de precios fijos.)
To ensure customer satisfaction, we need to terminate fluctuation in service quality across all our branches.
(Para asegurar la satisfacción del cliente, necesitamos terminar la fluctuación en la calidad del servicio en todas nuestras sucursales.)
The government plans to terminate fluctuation in inflation rates with stringent monetary policies.
(El gobierno planea terminar la fluctuación en las tasas de inflación con políticas monetarias estrictas.)
While "terminate fluctuation" itself is not part of widely recognized idiomatic expressions, the individual components can be seen in phrases commonly found in business, finance, and economics.
Fluctuation is part of the game — Variability is an expected outcome in any competitive field.
(La fluctuación es parte del juego.)
Termination of fluctuation — Ending variations to create stability.
(Terminación de la fluctuación.)
When the economy is in fluctuation — Referring to periods of economic instability.
(Cuando la economía está en fluctuación.)
A fluctuation in profit margins — Changes in the profitability of a business operation.
(Una fluctuación en los márgenes de beneficio.)
Embrace the fluctuation — Accept the changes as part of a process.
(Abraza la fluctuación.)
Antonyms for terminate: continue, maintain, prolong, sustain
Synonyms for fluctuation: variation, change, oscillation, instability