tetrachoric test - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tetrachoric test (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/tɛtrəˈkɔrɪk tɛst/

Meaning and Usage

The term "tetrachoric test" refers to a statistical method used to estimate the correlation between two theorized normally distributed continuous variables from a 2x2 contingency table. This kind of analysis is relevant in psychology and other social sciences where researchers may need to analyze the relationship between two categorical variables.

In terms of frequency of use, "tetrachoric test" is a specialized term primarily used in academic and research contexts, particularly within statistics, psychology, and psychometrics. Its appearance is more common in written contexts, such as scholarly articles and textbooks, rather than in everyday conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. The researchers opted for the tetrachoric test to analyze the relationship between the two dichotomous variables in their study.
    (Исследователи выбрали тетрахорический тест для анализа взаимосвязи между двумя дихотомическими переменными в своем исследовании.)

  2. To ensure accurate results, the statisticians concluded that the tetrachoric test was the most appropriate method for their data set.
    (Чтобы обеспечить точность результатов, статистики пришли к выводу, что тетрахорический тест был наиболее подходящим методом для их набора данных.)

  3. In her thesis, she employed the tetrachoric test to explore the relationship between personality traits and behavioral outcomes.
    (В своей диссертации она использовала тетрахорический тест для изучения взаимосвязи между личностными чертами и поведенческими результатами.)

Idiomatic Expressions

While "tetrachoric test" does not have common idiomatic expressions associated with it, the broader context of statistical tests does have idioms and phrases worth mentioning:

  1. "Run the numbers": To analyze data quantitatively.
    (Провести анализ данных количественно.)

  2. "Crunch the data": To analyze numerical data, often using statistical methods.
    (Обрабатывать численные данные, часто с использованием статистических методов.)

  3. "Statistically significant": A term indicating that the result is unlikely to have occurred by chance.
    (Статистически значимый; термин, указывающий на то, что результат маловероятно возник случайно.)


The term "tetrachoric" comes from the prefix "tetra-", meaning four (from Greek "tettares"), and "choric", related to the concept of quantifying a correlation. In this context, it signifies the method's focus on four possible outcomes in the 2x2 contingency table. The word "test" comes from Old French "test" which means a trial or proof.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Tetrachoric correlation - Biserial correlation (in some contexts)

Antonyms: - Non-correlation - Independence (in the context of statistical relationships)

The "tetrachoric test" is a specialized statistical term and does not often function within casual language, but it serves an important role in academic discussions and analyses related to correlation and variables.
