thalassotherapeutic resort - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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thalassotherapeutic resort (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Phonetic Transcription


A "thalassotherapeutic resort" refers to a specialized facility that utilizes marine resources, such as seawater, seaweed, and other aspects of the ocean, for therapeutic purposes. These resorts often offer treatments aimed at promoting health and well-being, leveraging the properties of saltwater and minerals found in the sea.


The term "thalassotherapeutic resort" is primarily used in written contexts, especially within the fields of health, wellness, tourism, and medical literature. Its frequency of use is relatively low compared to more common terms, but it is more likely to be encountered in discussions related to alternative medicine and holistic health practices.

Example Sentences

  1. Many visitors traveled to the thalassotherapeutic resort to rejuvenate after a long winter.
    Многие посетители приехали на талассотерапевтический курорт, чтобы восстановиться после долгой зимы.

  2. The significance of a thalassotherapeutic resort lies in its ability to harness the healing properties of the sea.
    Значение талассотерапевтического курорта заключается в его способности использовать целебные свойства моря.

  3. A day spent at the thalassotherapeutic resort can greatly improve one's physical and mental health.
    День, проведённый на талассотерапевтическом курорте, может значительно улучшить как физическое, так и психическое здоровье.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "thalassotherapeutic resort" is not commonly featured in idiomatic expressions, there are some phrases related to health and wellness that might resonate with or evoke the concept:

  1. A breath of fresh air - This idiom means a refreshing change or relief.
  2. Visiting the thalassotherapeutic resort felt like a breath of fresh air for my tired mind and body.
    Посещение талассотерапевтического курорта стало свежим глотком воздуха для моего усталого разума и тела.

  3. Take the plunge - To take a risk or to commit oneself to something new.

  4. Deciding to go to a thalassotherapeutic resort was taking the plunge for my wellness journey.
    Решение поехать на талассотерапевтический курорт стало решительной вехой на моем пути к здоровью.

  5. Refresh one's spirit - To reinvigorate oneself emotionally or mentally.

  6. The peaceful environment of the thalassotherapeutic resort helped to refresh my spirit.
    Мирная атмосфера талассотерапевтического курорта помогла обновить мой дух.

  7. Wellness retreat - A place or event focused on relaxation and health improvement.

  8. A thalassotherapeutic resort can often be considered a wellness retreat on the coast.
    Талассотерапевтический курорт можно рассматривать как место для отдыха на побережье.


The term "thalasso" originates from the Greek word "thalassa" meaning "sea," while "therapy" comes from the Greek word "therapeia," meaning "healing." Thus, "thalassotherapy" literally translates to "sea healing." The concept historically gained popularity in Europe in the 19th century, particularly in regions known for their mineral-rich seas.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Seawater therapy resort - Marine spa - Coastal wellness center

Antonyms: - Landlocked spa - Inland wellness center - Terrestrial health facility

This comprehensive analysis provides an in-depth understanding of "thalassotherapeutic resort" and its implications in both language and health.
