the (differential) calculus - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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the (differential) calculus (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/ðə ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃəl ˈkælkjʊləs/

Meaning and Usage

The (differential) calculus refers to a branch of mathematics that focuses on the study of rates of change (derivatives) and the slopes of curves. It is often contrasted with integral calculus, which deals with the accumulation of quantities (integrals). The term is commonly used in both written and oral contexts, particularly in academic settings, engineering, and sciences.

Frequency of use: The term 'calculus' is quite common in mathematics and sciences, but the specific term 'differential calculus' may be used more frequently by students, professors, and professionals in the field of mathematics or engineering.

Example Sentences

  1. The differential calculus is essential for understanding motion and change in physics.
    La calculadora diferencial es esencial para comprender el movimiento y el cambio en la física.

  2. Many students struggle with the concepts in differential calculus during their first semester of college.
    Muchos estudiantes tienen dificultades con los conceptos en cálculo diferencial durante su primer semestre en la universidad.

  3. The applications of differential calculus can be found in various fields, including economics and biology.
    Las aplicaciones del cálculo diferencial se pueden encontrar en varios campos, incluida la economía y la biología.

Idiomatic Expressions

While "calculus" itself is less common in idiomatic expressions, it's worth noting that terms associated with calculus often appear in education or explanations of complexity:

  1. "To differentiate between" means to recognize or ascertain what makes something different.
    Es importante saber diferenciar entre los diferentes tipos de funciones en cálculo.
    (It is important to know how to differentiate between the different types of functions in calculus.)

  2. "The calculus of risks" refers to the process of evaluating potential risks versus potential benefits.
    En la planificación del proyecto, hay que realizar el cálculo de riesgos involucrados.
    (In project planning, you need to conduct the calculus of the involved risks.)

  3. "Cultural calculus" refers to the estimation or evaluation of cultural factors in decision-making.
    El cálculo cultural es importante al lanzar un producto en un nuevo mercado.
    (Cultural calculus is important when launching a product in a new market.)


The term "calculus" comes from the Latin word "calculus," which means "small stone" or "pebble," used as a counting tool. The word "differential" comes from the late Latin "differentialis," which pertains to the differences in values or functions.

Synonyms and Antonyms

Synonyms: - Derivative calculus - Infinitesimal calculus (when referring to both differential and integral calculus)

Antonyms: - Integral calculus (referring specifically to the other branch of calculus focused on accumulation rather than rates of change)

This information presents a detailed outline of the term "the differential calculus," encompassing its meaning, usage, examples, and related concepts.
