"The Infinite" refers to the concept of something that is limitless or unbounded. It is often used in philosophical, mathematical, and spiritual contexts. The term suggests an absence of limits, whether in quantity, duration, or extent.
Frequency of use: - "The Infinite" is encountered more frequently in written contexts such as literature, philosophy, and discussions about mathematics. However, it can also be found in oral contexts, particularly in advanced academic discussions or debates.
The Infinite nature of the universe fascinates scientists.
La naturaleza infinita del universo fascina a los científicos.
Exploring the Infinite is a common theme in many philosophical discussions.
Explorar lo infinito es un tema común en muchas discusiones filosóficas.
Many cultures have myths surrounding the concept of the Infinite.
Muchas culturas tienen mitos en torno al concepto de lo infinito.
"The Infinite" is not typically used in idiomatic expressions as an isolated phrase. However, the related term "infinity" features in various expressions.
To reach for the stars and beyond the Infinite.
Aspirar a las estrellas y más allá de lo infinito.
Time is infinite, but life is limited.
El tiempo es infinito, pero la vida es limitada.
We often contemplate the Infinite in moments of solitude.
A menudo contemplamos lo infinito en momentos de soledad.
The term "infinite" comes from the Latin word infinitus, which means "unbounded" or "endless." The prefix "in-" denotes negation, while "finitus" comes from finire, meaning "to limit" or "to finish." Thus, the term fundamentally reflects the idea of lack of boundaries.
The term encapsulates various dimensions of thought and expression, making it a rich and evocative component of English language and literature.