the business end - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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the business end (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech

Noun phrase

Phonetic Transcription

/ðə ˈbɪz.nɪs ɛnd/

Meaning and Usage

"The business end" refers to the part of an instrument, a tool, or an object that is functional or effective — often the part that does the work. It can also imply the most important or serious aspects of a situation. The phrase is commonly used in both oral and written contexts, though it tends to appear more frequently in conversational speech.

Frequency of Use

The phrase is relatively common in English, especially in informal contexts. It resonates well in discussions related to work, tools, or when emphasizing the most pertinent aspects of a topic.

Example Sentences

  1. Make sure to cover the business end of the drill when you're transporting it.
    Asegúrate de cubrir la parte útil del taladro cuando lo transports.

  2. Let's focus on the business end of this project to ensure we meet our deadlines.
    Concentrémonos en la parte importante de este proyecto para asegurarnos de cumplir con nuestros plazos.

  3. When discussing the policy, we need to get to the business end of the matter that affects our budget.
    Cuando discutamos la política, debemos llegar a la parte central del asunto que afecta nuestro presupuesto.

Idiomatic Expressions

The phrase "the business end" is often used in various idiomatic expressions, emphasizing the practical or crucial aspects of a situation. Here are a few examples:

  1. The business end of the argument is about who is responsible for the mess.
    La parte central de la discusión es sobre quién es responsable del lío.

  2. When it comes to negotiations, we need to get to the business end quickly.
    Cuando se trata de negociaciones, necesitamos llegar al grano rápidamente.

  3. In this project, let's skip the fluff and get to the business end.
    En este proyecto, pasemos por alto lo superficial y vayamos directo al grano.

  4. During the meeting, we focused on the business end of our strategy rather than the initial details.
    Durante la reunión, nos centramos en la parte esencial de nuestra estrategia en lugar de los detalles iniciales.

  5. The business end of the new technology will greatly improve our efficiency.
    La parte fundamental de la nueva tecnología mejorará enormemente nuestra eficiencia.

  6. It’s time to drop the small talk and discuss the business end of this partnership.
    Es hora de dejar de lado las charlas triviales y discutir la parte esencial de esta asociación.

  7. You can't ignore the business end of your responsibilities if you want to succeed.
    No puedes ignorar la parte importante de tus responsabilidades si quieres tener éxito.


The phrase "the business end" likely stems from various occupations, where "business" denotes the purpose or function of the object, especially in trades involving tools or machinery. The use of "end" refers to a specific part or aspect of the object in question. The formal recognition of this idiomatic phrase became more prominent in the late 20th century.



This phrase finds its strength in expressing the essential nature of an object or issue, helping to clarify what truly matters in a given context.
