A tuned relay is a specific type of relay that is designed to respond to a particular frequency or set of frequencies. It is commonly used in telecommunications, broadcasting, and electronic circuits to selectively relay signals at certain frequencies while filtering out others. The term is more prevalent in technical and engineering contexts rather than casual conversation, making it more common in written formats, such as manuals and scholarly articles, rather than in everyday speech.
The engineer explained how each tuned relay could enhance the signal clarity in the radio station.
(Инженер объяснил, как каждый настроенный реле может улучшить четкость сигнала на радиостанции.)
In experiments, we found that a tuned relay significantly improved the overall performance of the communication system.
(В экспериментах мы обнаружили, что настроенный реле значительно улучшил общую производительность системы связи.)
The technician recommended replacing the old tuned relay to achieve better reception quality.
(Техник рекомендовал заменить старый настроенный реле, чтобы достичь лучшего качества приема.)
While "tuned relay" itself is not commonly part of idiomatic expressions, the concept of tuning in a broader context can lead to relevant idioms. Here are some idiomatic expressions related to "tuning":
To tune in to someone's needs
(Настроиться на чьи-то нужды)
It’s important to tune in to the customer’s needs to provide the best service.
(Важно настроиться на нужды клиента, чтобы предоставить лучший сервис.)
To be out of tune
(Быть не в ладу)
The team was out of tune with each other, which caused a lack of collaboration.
(Команда была не в ладу друг с другом, что вызвало недостаток сотрудничества.)
To tune something out
(Игнорировать что-то)
He learned to tune out the noise around him while studying.
(Он научился игнорировать шум вокруг него, занимаясь учебой.)
To tune up
Before the concert, the musicians took the time to tune up their instruments.
(Перед концертом музыканты уделили время настраиванию своих инструментов.)
The term "tuned relay" derives from the word "tune," which comes from the Middle English "tounen," meaning to arrange or adjust, and "relay," from the Old French "relais," which means a replacement or to send back. The combination refers to the adjustment of a relay device to respond to specific signals.
Synonyms: - Selective relay - Frequency relay - Signal relay
- Broad relay (as in a relay that does not filter frequencies)
- Non-tuned relay (a general relay not designed for specific frequencies)
This structure provides a detailed understanding of the term "tuned relay" and how it fits into both technical terminology and the broader context of idiomatic language.