tunnel-diode amplifier - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation
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tunnel-diode amplifier (english) - meaning, definition, translation, pronunciation

Part of Speech


Phonetic Transcription

/tʌnəl ˈdaɪəd əˈmplɪfər/

Meaning and Usage

A tunnel-diode amplifier is an electronic device that utilizes tunnel diodes for amplification purposes. Tunnel diodes are a type of semiconductor diode that exhibit negative resistance due to quantum tunneling, which allows them to operate at high frequencies and provide amplification. These amplifiers are commonly used in high-frequency applications, such as oscillators and radio frequency (RF) devices.

In terms of frequency of use, "tunnel-diode amplifier" is a term primarily found in written technical and engineering contexts, particularly within the fields of electronics and telecommunications.

Example Sentences

  1. The engineer designed a tunnel-diode amplifier to enhance the signal's clarity.
    Translation: инженеру удалось разработать усилитель с туннельным диодом для повышения чёткости сигнала.

  2. Due to its high frequency capabilities, the tunnel-diode amplifier is preferred in microwave applications.
    Translation: Из-за своих возможностей работы на высоких частотах усилитель с туннельным диодом предпочтителен для микроволновых приложений.

  3. The research paper detailed the advantages of using a tunnel-diode amplifier in modern communication systems.
    Translation: В научной статье рассматривались преимущества использования усилителя с туннельным диодом в современных системах связи.

Idiomatic Expressions

Although "tunnel-diode amplifier" is a specific technical term and not commonly used in idiomatic expressions, it is closely associated with phrases related to electronics and amplification. Here are a few idiomatic expressions from the field of electronics that incorporate similar technical terms:

  1. "Break the circuit" - To disrupt the flow of electricity in a circuit.
    Examples: If you break the circuit, the tunnel-diode amplifier will stop functioning.
    Translation: Если вы разомкнете цепь, усилитель с туннельным диодом перестанет работать.

  2. "Turn up the voltage" - To increase the electrical potential in a circuit.
    Example: By turning up the voltage in the tunnel-diode amplifier, we realized better performance.
    Translation: Увеличив напряжение в усилителе с туннельным диодом, мы достигли лучшей производительности.

  3. "Get into the flow" - To establish a proper operation in an electrical system.
    Example: Once we adjusted the settings, the tunnel-diode amplifier finally got into the flow.
    Translation: Как только мы настроили параметры, усилитель с туннельным диодом наконец заработал правильно.


The term "tunnel diode" originates from the quantum mechanical phenomenon known as "quantum tunneling," in which particles move through a barrier that they would not ordinarily be able to surmount. The "diode" part of the name comes from the device’s structure, which consists of two semiconductor materials forming a junction. "Amplifier" refers to its function in increasing signal strength.

Synonyms and Antonyms

- Negative resistance amplifier
- Quantum amplifier

- Passive amplifier
- Linear amplifier
