The word "typiform" refers to resembling or having the characteristics of a type or typical form. It is used less frequently than more common adjectives and may appear more in written contexts, particularly in scientific or academic discussions, than in everyday oral communication.
The typiform structure of the building was admired by architects around the world.
Структура здания, напоминающая типовую, была восхвалена архитекторами по всему миру.
He presented a typiform model of the species to illustrate its common features.
Он представил типовую модель вида, чтобы проиллюстрировать его общие черты.
The artwork displayed a typiform arrangement of shapes that captivated the audience.
Произведение искусства демонстрировало типовую компоновку форм, которая заворожила зрителей.
Although "typiform" is not commonly found in idiomatic expressions, the concept of being "typical" can be explored through related idioms.
"Typical of the genre"
This movie is typical of the genre, sharing many characteristics with other films.
Этот фильм типичен для жанра, разделяя многие характеристики с другими фильмами.
"The usual suspects"
In a situation like this, you can always expect the usual suspects to show up.
В такой ситуации всегда можно ожидать появления привычных подозреваемых.
"In typical fashion"
She arrived late in typical fashion, just as we were about to start.
Она пришла поздно, как обычно, прямо когда мы собирались начинать.
"A typical example"
This dish is a typical example of Italian cuisine, full of rich flavors.
Это блюдо является типичным примером итальянской кухни, полным насыщенных вкусов.
The term "typiform" derives from the combination of "type," which comes from the Greek word "typos" meaning "impression" or "model," and the suffix "-form," originating from Latin "forma," meaning "shape" or "form." Thus, "typiform" literally means "of the form or type."
Synonyms: typical, representative, exemplary
Antonyms: atypical, unusual, nonstandard